Welcome to the Chair of Signal Processing
and the Munich Center for Space Communications


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Knopp, MBA
University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Chair of Signal Processing
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
D-85579 Neubiberg

Munich Center for Space Communications

We innovate satellite networks, build scientific careers and link society to space.



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Best Publication Award 2024

December 5, 2024. Our institute awarded the “Best Publication 2024 Award” to Diego Tuzi. The winning publication entitled “Satellite Swarm-Based Antenna Arrays for 6G Direct-to-Cell Connectivity” has been authored by Diego Tuzi, Thomas Delamotte and Andreas Knopp.
Direct connectivity in L/S frequency bands between satellites and common mobile terrestrial user equipment (UE), such as smartphones, is an essential feature for future 6G non-terrestrial networks. The technical trend in closing the link between the communication endpoints is to develop large phased antenna arrays to be launched in LEO orbit. Satellite swarms represent an innovative and promising approach. Swarms are composed of several small and lightweight satellites organized in a free-flying formation (i.e., wireless connected) or a tethered formation (i.e., wired connected) creating a distributed phased antenna array. It has the potential to provide an enhanced gain, narrower beam width and lower launch/build costs compared to conventional single satellite systems with large phased antenna arrays.
The direct-to-cell connectivity use case has gained significant interest within the satellite communication community in recent years. It is anticipated to become a major revenue source for the satellite industry within the next decade. Mr. Tuzi's contribution has been instrumental in developing a groundbreaking technology that serves as a critical enabler for this emerging satellite service. The high number of citations (30+) received by his paper this year underscores the impact and significance of his work.
© Universität der Bundeswehr München/Simone

Visit by the Member of the Bundestag Friedrich Merz, CDU Deutschlands and Christlich-Soziale Union candidate for Chancellor

October, 2024: Member of the Bundestag Friedrich Merz, CDU Deutschlands and Christlich-Soziale Union candidate for Chancellor, visited the most important Bavarian locations for space research and space technology on the initiative of Munich (district) Member of the Bundestag Florian Hahn. As one of the most important space research centers in Germany, a visit to the SPACE research center of the Bundeswehr University Munich was a must. Here, Merz learned from our experts about the latest trends in satellite communication and navigation, the importance of start-ups for national technology sovereignty and participation in the global market for space applications, and the most important strategic decisions of the future. In this context, we presented the SeRANIS research satellite mission as a role model for innovation in the sense of a space innovation hub: The promotion of R&D with the involvement of industry via “real” missions.
As one of the most forward-looking research projects in Germany, the SeRANIS - Mission focuses on the development of secure and resilient communication networks, which are of central importance in times of digital transformation and increasing cyber threats.
Mr. Merz followed the presentation of our innovative technologies and our plans and contribution for the future with great interest. Together, we discussed the need to strengthen and secure our digital infrastructure and further develop Germany as a technology hub.

*dtec.bw – Digitalization and Technology Research Center of the Bundeswehr – is a scientific center jointly supported by both universities of the Bundeswehr and part of the German government's economic stimulus program to overcome the COVID-19 crisis. With its inclusion in the German Recovery and Resilience Plan (GRRP), dtec.bw is funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.

Winfried Stock's promotion to Major

On October 22, 2024 The University of the Bundeswehr Munich congratulates Mr. Winfried Stock on his promotion to Major.
Major Stock is a research assistant at the Chair of Signal Processing under Prof. Dr. Knopp. Over the past three years, he has rendered outstanding services in research and teaching, particularly in the fields of satellite communication, navigation and signal acquisition.
The certificate of appointment was presented on 22.10.24 by Colonel Henkelmann in front of the staff of the Institute of Communication Systems and High Frequency Technology.
The University wishes Major Stock continued success in his scientific and military career.
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