Article 3 of the UN-Charta, in B. Simma/D. Khan/G. Nolte/A. Paulus (Hrsg.), The Charter of the United Nations - A Commentary (4th edn, Oxford University Press 2024) - together with Prof. Ulrich Fastenrath
Article 4 of the UN-Charta, in B. Simma/D. Khan/G. Nolte/A. Paulus (Hrsg.), The Charter of the United Nations - A Commentary (4th edn, Oxford University Press 2024) - together with Prof. Ulrich Fastenrath
Child Soldiers, in C. Binder et al. (eds), Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights (Edward Elgar 2022)
Immunity of States and State Officials, in C. Binder et al. (eds), Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights (Edward Elgar 2022)
Überlegungen zur Resilienz des Rechts, in H. Pelizäus/L. Nieder (Hrsg), Das Risiko – Gedanken übers und ins Ungewisse (Springer 2019), Seite 243-255
Die Immunität ratione personae des Souveräns (Peter Lang 2016)
Article 14 of the UN-Charta, in B. Simma/D. Khan/G. Nolte/A. Paulus (Hrsg), The Charter of the United Nations - A Commentary (3rd edn, Oxford University Press 2012)
Completing the ICTY-Project without Sacrificing its Main Goals, Security Council Resolution 1966 – A Good Decision?, 3 Goettingen Journal of International Law, No. 3 (2011), Seite 907-922, abrufbar unter
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