Publikationen – Dr. Andreas Dafnos

  • Allchorn William, Dafnos Andreas & Gentile Francesca, 2022. The role of violent conspiratorial narratives in violent and non‑violent extreme right manifestos online, 2015‑2020. The Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET)
  • Müller Arthur & Dafnos Andreas, 2022. SPARTA at CASE 2021 Task 1: Evaluating different techniques to improve event extraction
  • Allchorn William & Dafnos Andreas, 2020. Far-right mobilisation in Great Britain: 2009-2019. CARR FRGB Dataset Research Report 2020.1. London, UK: Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right
  • Dafnos Andreas, 2020. The battle of Cable Street: They shall not pass. Mainstreaming the Global Radical Right: CARR Yearbook 2019/2020. Ed. Leidig, Eviane, ibidem Press
  • Fielitz Maik, Tsagkroni Vasiliki & Dafnos Andreas, 2020. The banning of Golden Dawn, in CARR Organisation Research Unit Year in Review Report 2020, Ed. Michael C. Zeller, CARR
  • Dafnos Andreas, 2019. Concept structures and the far right. Tracking the rise of the radical right globally: CARR Yearbook 2018/2019. Ed. Allchorn, William, ibidem Press
  • Dafnos Andreas, 2019. Automated event extraction tools for the study of the far right. Tracking the rise of the radical right globally: CARR Yearbook 2018/2019. Ed. Allchorn, William, ibidem Press
  • Dafnos Andreas, 2018. [Review of] Far-right politics in Europe, by Jean-Yves Camus and Nicolas Lebourg. H-Nationalism
  • Dafnos Andreas, 2014. Narratives as a means of countering the radical right; Looking into the Trojan T-shirt project. Journal EXIT-Deutschland
  • Dafnos Andreas, 2013. Lone wolf terrorism as category: Learning from the Breivik case. Journal EXIT-Deutschland