Prof. Dr. Stephan Stetter



A. Editor                                                                                                                                             

A.1. Journals


  1. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen (editor since 2010; editor in chief from 2010-2014), Baden-Baden: Nomos.


A.2. Book series


  1. Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen Ostens (with Martin Beck, Cilja Harders and Annette Jünemann), Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag.


A.3. Other


  1. Working Paper Series of the Israeli-European Policy Network (2010-2015), Tel Aviv: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung,


B. Books                                                                                                                                              

B.1. Peer-reviewed

 B.1.1. Monographs

  1. The Social Evolution of World Politics (with Mathias Albert, Hauke Brunkhorst, Iver B. Neumann), Bielefeld: transcript, 2023 (forthcoming).


  1. World Society and the Middle East: Reconstructions in Regional Politics, Houndsmill: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.


  1. EU Foreign and Interior Policies: Cross-Pillar Politics and the Social Construction of Sovereignty, London and New York: Routledge, 2007.


B.1.2. Edited Volumes /Special Issues

8. The Historicity of International Politics: Imperialism and the Presence of the Past (ed. with Klaus Schlichte), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023 (forthcoming).


7. Middle East Christianity: Local Practices, World Societal Entanglements (ed. With Mitra Moussa Nabo), New York: Palgrave, 2020.


6. Modern Subjectivities in World Society: Global Structures and Local Practices (ed. with Dietrich Jung), New York: Palgrave., 2018


5. Sociological Perspectives on International Organizations and the Construction of Global Political Order (ed. with Martin Koch), Special Issue, Journal of International Organization Studies, 2013.


4. Ordnung und Wandel in der Weltpolitik: Konturen einer Soziologie der internationalen Beziehungen (ed.), Sonderband 28, Leviathan: Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2013.


3. The Middle East and Globalization: Encounters and Horizons (ed.), New York: Palgrave, 2012.


2. The European Union and Border Conflicts: Assessing the Impact of Integration and Association (ed. with Thomas Diez and Mathias Albert), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.


1. Territorial Conflicts in World Society: Modern Systems Theory, International Relations and Conflict Studies (ed.), London and New York: Routledge, 2007. 


B.2. Other books (not peer-reviewed)

  1. Deutschland und Israel heute: Zwischen Verbundenheit und Entfremdung (with Jenny Hestermann and Roby Nathanson), Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2022 (also available in English)


  1. Middle East Christianity Encountering Local, Regional and World Societal Transformations (ed. with Mitra Moussa Nabo), Bonn: German Bishops’ Conference Research Group on International Church Affairs, 2017 (also available in Arabic).


  1. To Live in World Society to Govern in the World State (ed.), Festschrift on the Occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Universität der Bundeswehr München, München: Universität der Bundeswehr München, 2014.


  1. Mit Sicherheit unsicher? Sicherheit und Konflikt in den internationalen Beziehungen, ZIB-Readers 2 (ed. with Marina Karbowski and Carlo Masala), Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2014.


  1. Was die EU im Innersten zusammenhält: Debatten zur Legitimität und Effizienz supranationalen Regierens, ZIB-Readers 1 (ed. with Carlo Masala and Marina Karbowski), Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011.


  1. Der Nahe Osten im Umbruch: Zwischen Transformation und Autoritarismus (ed. with Martin Beck, Cilja Harders and Annette Jünemann), Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, 2009.


  1. Renewing the Middle East: Climate Changes in Security and Energy and the New Challenges for EU-Israeli Relations (ed. with Roby Nathanson), Tel Aviv and Brussels: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2008.


  1. The Middle East Under Fire? EU-Israel Relations in a Region between War and Conflict Resolution (ed. with Roby Nathanson), Tel Aviv and Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2007.


  1. The Monitor of the EU-Israel Action Plan (ed. with Roby Nathanson), Tel Aviv and Wien: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2006.


  1. The Israeli European Policy Network Reader (ed. with Roby Nathanson), Tel Aviv: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2005.


  1. Jerusalem and Berlin: Challenges and Contradictions, Divided Cities in Transition II (ed. with Michèle Auga, Shlomo Hasson and Rami Nasrallah), Jerusalem: Al-Manar Press, 2005.


C. Journal Articles and Book Chapters                                                              

 C.1. Peer-reviewed

 C.1.1. Journals and book chapters

21. ‘Subjektivierungsprozesse und politische Konflikte im persönlichen Nahbereich: Konzeptionelle Skizzze eines Forschungsfeldes’, KonfliktDynamik, 12, 1: 40-64, 2023 (with Elena Glockzin).


20. 'The Middle East in Global Modernity: Analytic Polycentrism, Historic Entanglements and a Rejuvenated Area Studies Debate', in Mediterranean Politics, 26, 1, 2021.


19. ‘Leviathan Awakens: Gas Finds, Energy Governance and the Emergence of the Eastern Mediterranean as a Geopolitical Region’, in Review of Policy Research, 2020 (with Andreas Goldthau and Jörn Richert)


18.‘Localizing Modern Female Subjectivities: World Society and the Spatial Negotiation of Gender Norms in Turkey’, in Alternatives: Local, Global, Political, 41, 2, 2017, 59-82 (with Gökcen Yüksel and Jochen Walter)


17.‘Säen und Ernten: Quantentheorie sozial- und (welt-)gesellschaftstheoretisch weitergedacht, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 23, 2, 2016, 188-206.


16.‘Zehn Erfahrungsberichte zur guten Lehre in den IB und ihre Diskussion durch DidaktikerInnen’, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 23, 1, 2016, 135-160 (Autor: AutorInnnegruppe Didaktik in den Internationalen Beziehungen).


 15.‘Regional Variations of and Regional Variations within Functional Differentiation – The Middle East and World Society’ (with Mathias Albert), in Nicolas Hayoz and Rudolf Stichweh (ed.), Variants of Differentiation in the Regions of World Society, Special Issue, Soziale Systeme 23(1-2), 135-150.


 14.‘World Politics and Conflict Systems: The Communication of „No“ and Its Effects’, in Horizons of Politics, 5, 12, 2015, 43-67.


13.‚Ordnung und Wandel in der Weltpolitik: Konturen einer „Soziologie der Internationalen Beziehungen“’, in Stephan Stetter (ed.) Ordnung und Wandel in der Weltpolitik: Grundzüge einer Soziologie der internationalen Beziehungen, Special Issue, Leviathan: Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2013, 11-57.


12.‘Sociological Perspectives on International Organizations and the Construction of Global Political Order: An Introduction’ (with Martin Koch), in Stephan Stetter (ed. with Martin Koch) Sociological Perspectives on International Organizations and the Construction of Global Political Order, Special Issue, Journal of International Organization Studies, 2013, 4-13.


11.‘The EU as a Structured Power: Organizing EU Foreign Affairs within the Structural Environment of World Politics’, in Stephan Stetter (ed. with Martin Koch) Sociological Perspectives on International Organizations and the Construction of Global Political Order, Special Issue, Journal of International Organization Studies, 2013, 54-71.


10. ‚Legitimitätspolitik in trans- und internationalen Konflikten: Dynamiken internationaler conflict governance am Beispiel des israelisch-palästinensischen Konfliktes‘, in Christopher Daase, Anna Geis and Frank Nullmeier (ed.) Der Aufstieg der Legitimitätspolitik: Rechtfertigung und Kritik politisch-ökonomischer Ordnungen, Special Issue, Leviathan: Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, 2012.


9.‘Conflicts about Water: Securitisation in a Global Context’ (with Eva Herschinger, Thomas Teichler and Mathias Albert), Cooperation and Conflict, 46, 4, 2011, 441-459. 


8. ‘On Order and Conflict: International Relations and the “Communicative Turn”’, (with Mathias Albert and Oliver Kessler), Special Issue, Review of International Studies, 2008, 43-68.


7. ‘The European Union and Border Conflicts: The Transformative Power of Integration’, (with Thomas Diez and Mathias Albert), International Organization, 60, 3, 2006, 563-593.


 6.‘Of Separate and Joint Universes: National Parliamentary Elections in Israel and Palestine’, Mediterranean Politics, 11, 3, 2006, 425-432.


 5.‘Theorising the European Neighbourhood Policy: Debordering and Rebordering in the Mediterranean’, EUI Working Papers, RSCAS No. 2005/34, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Mediterranean Programme Series: Florence.


 4.‘The Politics of De-Paradoxification in Euro-Mediterranean Relations: Semantics and Structures of “Cultural Dialogue”’, Mediterranean Politics, 10, 3, 2005, 331-348.


 3.‘Cross Pillar Politics: Functional Unity and Institutional Fragmentation of EU Foreign Policies’, Journal of European Public Policy, 11, 3, 2004, 720-739.


 2.‘Torn between Reform and Stagnation: An Institutionalist Analysis of the MEDA Programme’, EUI Working Papers, RSCAS No. 2004/43, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Mediterranean Programme Series: Florence.


 1. ‘Regulating Migration: Authority Delegation in Justice and Home Affairs’, Journal of European Public Policy, 7, 1, 2000, 80-103.


C.1.2. Peer-reviewed Book chapters

19. ‘The Presence of the Past: Imperialism and Modes of Historicity in International Politics’, in The Historicity of International Politics: Imperialism and the Presence of the Past (ed. with Klaus Schlichte), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023 (forthcoming).


18. ‘The Past and the Present in Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Memory Cultures: The Battle of Kosovo and the Status of Jerusalem’ (with Anna Vlachopoulou), in The Historicity of International Politics: Imperialism and the Presence of the Past (ed. with Klaus Schlichte), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023 (forthcoming).


17. ‘Orient-ations: German Scholarship on the Middle East since the Nineteenth Century’ (with Sonja Hegasy and René Wildangel), in Knowledge Production in Higher Education: Between Europe and the Middle East (edited by Michelle Pace and Jan Claudius Völkel), Manchester: Manchester University Press, 39-59, 2023.


16. ‘From the First Sino-Roman War (That Never Happened) to Modern International-cum-Imperial Relations: Observing International Politics from an Evolution Theory Perspective’, in What in the World? Understanding Global Social Change (edited by Mathias Albert and Tobias Werron), Bristol: Bristol University Press, 139-156


15. ‘Middle East Christianity in World Society: A Historical-Sociological Perspective on the Past and Present of Local/Global Entanglements’, in Middle East Christianity: Local Practices, World Societal Entanglements (ed. with Mitra Moussa Nabo), New York: Palgrave, 2020.


14. ‘Das Imperium schlägt (immer wieder) zurück: Imperien, Kolonialismus und Postkolonialismus im politischen System der Weltgesellschaft, in Imperien Verstehen: Theorien, Typen, Transformationen (edited by Eva Hausteiner and Sebastian Huhnholz), Nomos: Baden-Baden, 2019, 255.276.


13.‘Modern Subjectivities and World Political Order: The Evolution of the International’, in Modern Subjectivities in World Society: Global Structures and Local Practices (ed. with Dietrich Jung), New York: Palgrave, 2018.


12.‘Why Study Modern Subjectivities in World Society? An Introduction’ (with Dietrich Jung) in Modern Subjectivities in World Society: Global Structures and Local Practices (ed. with Dietrich Jung), New York: Palgrave, 2018.


11.‘The Legal Foundations of Normative Orders: Individual and Human Rights and the EU-Israel-Palestine Triangle’, in Raffaella Del Sarto (ed.) Fragmented Borders, Interdependence and External Relations: The Israel-Palestine-European Union Triangle, Houndsmill: Palgrave, 2015.


10.‘Actorhood in World Politics: The Dialectics of Agency/Structure in the World Polity’ (with Mathias Albert), in Gunther Hellmann and Knud Erik Jørgensen (ed.) Theorizing Foreign Policy in a Globalized World, Houndsmill: Palgrave, 2015.


9. ‘Embedding Regional Integration in the Fabric of a Differentiated World Society and a Differentiated System of World Politics’ (with Mathias Albert), in Boris Holzer, Fatima Kastner and Tobias Werron (ed.) Isomorphism and Differentiation: From Globalization(s) to World Society, London: Routledge, 2014.


8.‘Some Quanta of Solace: World Politics in the Era of Functional Differentiation’, in Mathias Albert, Barry Buzan and Michael Zürn (ed.) Bringing Sociology to IR: World Politics as Differentiation Theory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.


7.‘The Middle East and Globalisation: Encounters with the Fractures and Horizons of World Society’, in Stephan Stetter (ed.) The Middle East and Globalisation: Encounters and Horizons, New York: Palgrave, 2012.


6.‘Global Conflict Governance in the Middle East: World Society, Conflict Management in Lebanon and the International Crisis Group’ (with Mitra Moussa Nabo), in Stephan Stetter (ed.) The Middle East and Globalisation: Encounters and Horizons, New York: Palgrave, 2012.


5.‘Introduction’, (with Thomas Diez and Mathias Albert), in Thomas Diez, Mathias Albert and Stephan Stetter (ed.) The European Union and Border Conflicts: Assessing the Impact of Integration and Association, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, 1-12.


4.‘The Transformative Power of Integration: Conceptualizing Border Conflicts’, (with Thomas Diez and Mathias Albert), in Thomas Diez, Mathias Albert and Stephan Stetter (Hrsg.) The European Union and Border Conflicts: Assessing the Impact of Integration and Association, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, 13-32.


3.‘Conclusion’, (with Thomas Diez and Mathias Albert), in Thomas Diez, Mathias Albert and Stephan Stetter (ed.) The European Union and Border Conflicts: Assessing the Impact of Integration and Association, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, 220-236.


2.‘Introduction: Points of Encounter’, in Stephan Stetter (ed.) Territorial Conflicts in World Society: Modern Systems Theory, International Relations and Conflict Studies, London and New York: Routledge, 2007, 1-17.


1.‘Regions of Conflict in World Society: The Place of the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa’, in Stephan Stetter (ed.) Territorial Conflicts in World Society: Modern Systems Theory, International Relations and Conflict Studies, London and New York: Routledge, 2007, 37-53


C.1.3. Handbook Entries

5. ‘Soziologische Ansätze in den Internationalen Beziehungen’, in Frank Sauer, Luba von Hauff und Carlo Masala (eds.) Handbuch Internationale Beziehungen, Wiesbaden: VS-Springer, 2022.


4. ‘Naher und Mittlerer Osten’, in Simon Koschut (ed.) Handbuch Regionen und Regionalismus in den Internationalen Beziehungen, Wiesbaden: VS-Springer, 2017.


3. ‘The Mediterranean Observes the World, the World Observes the Mediterranean’ in Frédéric Volpi and Richard Gillespie (ed.) Routledge Handbook on Mediterranean Politics, London: Routledge, 2017.


2. ‘Globalization’, in Felix Berenskoetter (ed.) Concepts in World Politics, London: Sage, 2016, 304-320.


1. ‘Middle East Diplomacy’, in Costas Constantinou, Pauline Sharp and Paul Sharp (ed.) SAGE Handbook of Diplomacy, London: Sage, 2016, 385-397.


C.2. Not peer-reviewed

46. ‘Leaving Illiberalism Behind: An Opportunity to Establish a New Liberal Foundation in EU-Israel Relations?’ (with Toby Greene), in Muriel Asseburg and Nimrod Goren (eds.): Democratic Backsliding and Securitization: Challenges for Israel, the EU and Israel-Europe Relations, Tel Aviv and Berlin: MITVIM and Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2022, 54-69.


45. ‘Konstruktivistische Konfliktforschung und reflexive Friedensforschung: Skizze eines konzeptionellen Modells’ (with Thorsten Bonacker), in Rebecca Gulowski and Michaela Zöhrer (eds.): Forschungen für Frieden: Perspektive sozialwissenschaftlicher Konfliktforschung, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2022, 41-66.


44. Book review on Israel’s Path to Europe: The Negotiations for a Preferential Agreement, 1957-1970 by Gadi Heimann and Lior Haman (London: Routledge, 2019), Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 14, 3: 507-510.

43. ‘La sociología histórica, la teoría de las relaciones internacionales y la condición imperial’, Desafíos, 32, 1, 1-23.


42. ‘Israel-Studien und Politikwissenschaft: Wirklich ein state of exceptionalism?’, in Michael Brenner, Johannes Becke and Daniel Mahla (eds.): Israel-Studien: GeschichtenMethodenParadigmen, Göttingen: Wallstein, 2020, 102-119.


41. ‘Ordnungsmuster in der internationalen Politik: Ein Essay über Macht, Herrschaft und Widerstreit’, in Carlo Masala (ed.): Ordnung: Beiträge aus der Ringvorlesung “Staat, Gesellschaft und Normen”, Neubiberg: Universität der Bundeswehr München, 35-40.


  1. ‘Illusion: Die Zwei-Staaten-Lösung ist nicht zu retten: Warum man trotz realpolitischem Verdruß an ihr festhalten sollte’, in Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft,, 2018


  1. Face The Thing That Should Not Be: Rassismus in Theorie und Praxis der Internationalen Beziehungen (mit Jan Busse), in Ina Ulrike Paul and Sylvia Schraut (eds.): Rassismus in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Eine interdisziplinäre Analyse. Festschrift für Walter Demel. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2018, 361-394.


  1. ‘Israels Skepsis gegenüber den UN’ (with Jan Busse), Vereinte Nationen, 3, 2018.


  1. ‘Die Internationalen Beziehungen Israels’, in Informationen zur Politischen Bildung, 336, 2018


  1. ‘Die Jerusalemfrage im israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikt’ (with Jan Busse), in Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 15-16, 2018.


  1. ‘1967 – Das Jahr, das den Nahen Osten veränderte’ (with Jan Busse), in Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 5-7, 2017.


  1. ‘Middle Eastern Christianity in an Age of Transformation’ (with Mitra Moussa Nabo), in Middle East Christianity Encountering Local, Regional and World Societal Transformations (ed. with Mitra Moussa Nabo), Bonn: German Bishops’ Conference Research Group on International Church Affairs, 2017. (also available in Arabic).


  1. ‘Editor’s Preface’ (with Mitra Moussa Nabo), in Middle East Christianity Encountering Local, Regional and World Societal Transformations (ed. with Mitra Moussa Nabo), Bonn: German Bishops’ Conference Research Group on International Church Affairs, 2017. (also available in Arabic).


  1. ‘Christen und Kirchen im Nahen Osten nach Beginn der Arabischen Aufstände’, in Deus lo vult: Ordensbrief des Ritterordens vom Heiligen Grab, 65, 2017.


  1. ‘1967 – das Jahr, das den Nahen Osten veränderte’, in Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 5-7, 2017, 27-33.


  1. “Gedanklich im Jahre 1850”: Nicht Kultur führt zu Konflikten. Ungleichheit und Exklusion begründen das Bedürfnis nach kulturellen Abgenzungen” (with Jan Busse), in Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft (Hrsg.), Ideen, Meinungen, Kontroversen. Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2016, 41-42.


  1. ‘Die Ambivalenz von Ordnung und Identität: James Bond und die internationale Politik’ (with Eva Herschinger), in Ulrich Hamenstädt (ed.), Politische Theorie im Film, Wiesbaden: VS-Springer, 2016, 169-194.


  1. ‘”2011”: Middle East (R)Evolutions’, in POMEPS Studies 16: International Relations Theory and a Changing Middle East, POMEPS, Georgetown University: Washington, 2015.


  1. ‘Menschenrechte im Nahen Osten: Zur Dynamik von Inklusion und Exklusion und moderner Subjektivierung im Kontext des arabsichen Transformationsprozesses’ in Maria-Dara Cojocaru and Michael Reder (ed.), Zur Praxis der Menschenrechte, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. 2015, 116-132.


  1. ‘Global Energy Governance and Gas Discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean’, in Ayla Gürel, Harry Tzimitras and Hubert Faustmann (ed.) East Mediterranean Hydrocarbons: Geopolitical Perspectives, Markets, and Regional Cooperation, Nikosia: PRIO Cyprus, 2014.


  1. ‘Exzellenz jenseits des SSCI: Zum 20. Geburtstag der Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen’ (with Bernhard Zangl), Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 14, 2, 2014.


  1. ‘OECD Guidelines’, in Roby Nathanson and Itamar Gazala (eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility in the EU and in Israel: Corporate Cultures regarding Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and their Impact on Conflict Resolution, IEPN Working Papers, 2014.


  1. ‘Leben in der Weltgesellschaft, Regieren im Weltstaat: Einleitende Bemerkungen’, in Stephan Stetter (Hrsg.), To Live in World Society to Govern in the World State, Festschrift on the Occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Universität der Bundeswehr München, München: Universität der Bundeswehr München, 2014.


  1. ‘Sicherheit und Konflikt in den Internationalen Beziehungen’ (with Marina Karbowski and Carlo Masala), in Marina Karbowski, Carlo Masala and Stephan Stetter (ed.), Mit Sicherheit unsicher? Sicherheit und Konflikt in den internationalen Beziehungen, ZIB-Readers 2, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2014.


  1. ‘Inklusion/Exklusion oder Demokratie in der globalen Ordnung?’, in Renate Martinsen (ed.) Ordnungsbildung und Entgrenzung: Wandel von Demokratie, Wiesbaden: VS, 2014.


  1. ‚Gouvernementalität in Palästina und die Weltgesellschaft‘, (with Jan Busse), in Andreas Vasilache (ed.) Foucault, der Staat und die Internationale Politik, Stuttgart: Franz-Steiner Verlag, 2013.


  1. ‚Kalt erwischt: Israelische und palästinensische Reaktionen auf den Arabischen Frühling‘, in Annette Jünemann (ed.) Arabellions: Zur Vielfalt von Protest und Revolte im Nahen Osten und Nordafrika, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, 2013, 135-158.


  1. ‚Die Internationale Gesellschaft und die Menschenrechte: Weltpolitische Veränderungen nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges‘, in Thomas Bohrmann and Axel Schilling (ed.) Handbuch Militärische Berufsethik, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, 2013, 217-236.


  1. ‘Legitimität und Effizienz europäischen Regierens: Einleitende Bemerkungen’, in Stephan Stetter, Carlo Masala and Marina Karbowski (ed.) Was die EU im Innersten zusammenhält: Debatten zur Legitimität und Effizienz supranationalen Regierens, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011: 1-18.


  1. ‚Einleitung: Politikwissenschaftliche Forschung zu Transformation und Politik im Nahen Osten zwischen Theorie und Empirie’, in Martin Beck, Cilja Harders, Annette Jünemann and Stephan Stetter (ed.), Der Nahe Osten im Umbruch: Zwischen Transformation und Autoritarismus, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, 2009, 7-23.


  1. ‚Die globale Konstruktion des Nahen Ostens: Eine weltgesellschaftstheoretische Verortung Palästinas und Jerusalems’, in Martin Beck, Cilja Harders, Annette Jünemann and Stephan Stetter (ed.), Der Nahe Osten im Umbruch: Zwischen Transformation und Autoritarismus, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, 2009, 227-252.


  1. ‘Israeli-Palestinian Relations and the Prospects for Conflict or Peace’, in Eduard Soler i Lecha and Fadela Hidali (ed.), VII Seminario Internacional Sobre Seguridad y Defensa en el Mediterráneo: Conflictos Regionales y Estrategias de Seguridad, Barcelona: Fondació CIDOB and Ministerio de Defensa, 2009, 117-121.


  1. ‚Territories We Make and Unmake: The Social Construction of Borders in the Age of Globalization’, Harvard International Review, September 2008,


  1. ‘Entgrenzung von Politikfeldern in der Weltgesellschaft? Eine Bedrohung für die Demokratie?’ in André Brodocz, Marcus Llanque and Gary Schaal (ed.), Bedrohungen der Demokratie, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 2008, 99-118.


  1. ‘The Barcelona Process – Union for the Mediterranean: Assessing its Impact for Euro-Mediterranean and EU-Israeli Relations’ in Roby Nathanson and Stephan Stetter (ed.), Renewing the Middle East: Climate Changes in Security and Energy and the New Challenges for EU-Israeli Relations, Tel Aviv and Brüssel: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 120-138.


  1. ‘Introduction’ (with Roby Nathanson) in Roby Nathanson and Stephan Stetter (Hg.), Renewing the Middle East: Climate Changes in Security and Energy and the New Challenges for EU-Israeli Relations, Tel Aviv and Brüssel: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 1-15.


  1. ‚Introduction’ (with Roby Nathanson), in Roby Nathanson and Stephan Stetter (ed.), The Middle East Ander Fire? EU-Israel Relations in a Region between War and Conflict Resolution, Tel Aviv and Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2007,12-18.


  1. ‘Viele Weltgesellschaften, viele Konflikte? Zur Rolle von „Konflikt“ in Weltgesellschaftstheorien’ (with Mathias Albert), in Thorsten Bonacker and Christoph Weller (ed.), Konflikte in der Weltgesellschaft, Frankfurt and New York, 2006: Campus, 49-76.


  1. ‚Introduction’ (with Roby Nathanson), in Roby Nathanson and Stephan Stetter (ed.) The Monitor of the EU-Israel Action Plan, Tel Aviv and Wien: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2006, 11-16.


  1. ‘Introduction’ (with Michèle Auga, Shlomo Hasson and Rami Nasrallah), in Michèle Auga, Shlomo Hasson, Rami Nasrallah and Stephan Stetter (ed.) Jerusalem and Berlin: Challenges and Contradictions, Divided Cities in Transition II, Jerusalem: Al-Manar Press, 2005, xi-xxiii.


  1. ‘Berlin between Integration, Cooperation and Division’ (edited and compiled by Stephan Stetter and Lena Schulz zur Wiesch), in Michèle Auga, Shlomo Hasson, Rami Nasrallah and Stephan Stetter (ed.) Jerusalem and Berlin: Challenges and Contradictions, Divided Cities in Transition II, Jerusalem: Al-Manar Press, 2005, 229-273.


  1. ‘Dynamics of EU Foreign Policies from Maastricht to the Draft Constitution’, Young Europeans for Security, available on .


  1. ‘The European Union and the Transformation of Border Conflicts: Theorising the Impact of Integration and Association’ (with Thomas Diez and Mathias Albert), Working Papers Series in EU Border Conflicts Studies, 2004, Birmingham: University of Birmingham, working paper 1, .


  1. ‘The World is not Enough: Territorial Conflicts and Borders Meet Functional Differentiation’, Working Papers of the Institute for World Society Studies, University of Bielefeld, .


     1. ‘Jerusalem-Berlin Forum: Foreword to Part Two’, in Avraham Friedman and Rami Nasrallah (ed.) Divided Cities in Transition, Jerusalem: Al-Manar Press, 2003, 235-23.