Gathen, C., Praxmarer-Carus S. (2019): Adding effort can make green products more attractive to males: The moderating effect of gender identity strength, 48th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Hamburg
Wieluch, M.I. (2016): Anecdotal versus Statistical Evidence in Risk Communication Messages: The Moderating Effects of Comparative Optimism and Message Framing, Association for Consumer Research (ACR), Berlin
Praxmarer-Carus, S., Wieluch, M.I. (2016): When Statistical Evidence fails: The Moderating Effect of Comparative Optimism, 15th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Ljubljana
Wieluch, M.I. (2016): When should Risk Communication Messages be Assertive? Differentiating the Moderating Effects of Perceived Issue Importance and Perceived Susceptibility, 15th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Ljubljana
Wieluch, M.I.; Praxmarer-Carus,S. (2015): The Effectiveness of Anecdotal and Statistical Evidence in Charity Appeals: The Moderating Role of Spatial Distance, European Marketing Academy 44th Annual Conference (EMAC), Leuven
Wieluch, M.I.; Praxmarer-Carus,S. (2014): Effective Risk Communication: Reaching Optimistically biased Individuals with Anecdotal Information - The Role of Similarity and Framing, 13th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Amsterdam
Fischer,D.; Praxmarer-Carus,S. (2014): Emotional Brand Experience: Conceptualization and Comparison with Cognitive Brand Experience, 13th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Amsterdam
Czerwinka, M.I.; Praxmarer-Carus, S. (2014): Responses to Risk Communication: The Role of Receivers' Comparative Optimism and Information Type, Proceedings of the AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference 2014.
Fischer, D.; Praxmarer-Carus, S. (2013): A Revised Concept of Brand Experience and Its Theoretical Linkage to Brand Attachment, Proceedings of the AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference 2013.
Praxmarer, S.; Czerwinka, M. (2012): Message framing and the moderating role of source credibility, 11th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Stockholm
Rauschnabel, P.A.; Praxmarer, S.; Ivens, B. (2011): Effects of Designs Features on Liking of Brand Positings on Facebook, 10th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Berlin
Rauschnabel, P.A.; Praxmarer, S.; Ivens, B. (2011): Einflussfaktoren auf Fanreaktionen bei Facebook-Fanpages, 4th Conference „Der Markentag“, Berlin
Praxmarer, S.; Rossiter, J.R (2009): How does the presenter’s physical attractiveness
persuade? A test of alternative explanations, Conference of the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), Melbourne
Praxmarer, S.; Rossiter, J.R. (2009): Physically attractive presenters and persuasion:
An experimental investigation of alternative explanations for the “Patzer effect”, 8th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Klagenfurt
Schumann, J.H.; v. Wangenheim, F.; Stringfellow, A.; Yang, Z.; Blazevic, V.; Praxmarer, S.; Shannon, R.; Komor, M.; Shainesh G.; Jimenez, F. (2009): Cross-Cultural Differences in the Effects of Word of Mouth in Relational Service Exchange, Fourteenth Cross-Cultural Research Conference, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Schumann, J.H.; v. Wangenheim, F.; Stringfellow, A; Yang, Z; Praxmarer, S.; Jimenez, F.; Blazevic, V.; Shannon, R.; Shainesh, G & Komor, M. (2009): Cross-Cultural Differences in the Effect of Word-of-Mouth in Relational Service Exchange: The Moderating Role of Uncertainty Avoidance, AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Tampa FL
Schumann, J.H.; v. Wangenheim, F.; Stringfellow, A.; Praxmarer, S.; Blazevic, V.; Jimenez, F.; Yang, Z.; Shainesh, G. & Komor, M (2008): Cross-Cultural Differences in the Effects of Word-of-Mouth in Relational Service Exchange: Empirical Evidence for the Moderating Role of Uncertainty Avoidance from an Eight Country Study, Frontiers in Services Conference, Washington
Praxmarer, S. (2007): Which cultural characteristics moderate the effects of contracts on a partner’s trust? 4th Workshop on Trust within and between Organizations, Amsterdam
Gierl, H.; Praxmarer S. (2007): The effects of stimulus-based thoughts, memories and fantasies on brand attitudes, 6th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Lissabon
Schumann, J.H.; v. Wangenheim, F.; Yang, Z.; Praxmarer, S.; Jimenez, F.; Komor, M.; Shainesh G. (2007): Cross-Cultural Differences in the Development of Trust in Relational Service Exchange - an EmpAnalysis of the Moderating Role of Uncertainty Avoidance, 4th Workshop on Trust withiirical n and between Organizations, Amsterdam
Praxmarer, S. (2006): Effects of contracts on trust in business relationships and the moderating role of culture, 14th International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing (ICRM), Leipzig
Gierl, H.; Praxmarer S. (2006): The effects of value propositions in advertising on consumers’ attitudes, 5th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Bath
Praxmarer, S. (2006): Some women are tired of beautiful female models in advertising: Does this affect attitudes and purchase intentions negatively? 35th Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Athen
Praxmarer, S. (2006): Often claimed but scarcely supported: The beauty match-up hypothesis, or: Why also attractiveness-unrelated products love attractive endorsers, 5th International Marketing Trends Congress, Venedig