Graduates of the Master's programme in Aerospace Engineering have all the knowledge they need to be able to take on corresponding tasks immediately upon entry into the free economy or after only a short training period. It will be easy for them to get involved in the technical and scientific environment of modern companies. They can be used in a wide variety of applications, e.g.:
- in the national and international aerospace industry
- for operators of aircraft (airlines)
- in air traffic control (e.g. DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung)
- in responsible federal authorities (e.g. Federal Aviation Authority (LBA), Federal Office for Aircraft Accident Investigation (BFU), Federal Ministries of Transport and Defence, Federal Office of Defense Technology and Procurement including its military technology departments)
- in European authorities (e.g. European Space Agency ESA, European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation EUROCONTROL)
In the scientific field, graduates find a broad field of activity at universities, universities of applied sciences and research institutions (e.g. German Aerospace Center DLR, institutes of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft FhG). Graduates of the aerospace engineering course can also be employed outside the actual aerospace industry, for example in the branches of industry such as automotive and rail vehicle construction, ship technology and general mechanical engineering. Wind energy and medical technology companies can also be considered. Software, system and consulting companies also offer suitable jobs.