
The teaching offerings of the professorship are directly based on the findings of our research and provide students with theoretical foundations and sustainable practical application skills in the areas of innovation management, empirical analysis of innovations, as well as related fields such as production and business process management.

Here you will find all the modules and their contents offered by our professorship.

Bachelor Modules

Production Management (Module Business Administration Functions II) WOW B.Sc. (1262)

General Information about the Course:

The course "Production Management" (course number 12623), together with the course "Logistics Management" (instructor Prof. Michael Eßig), forms the WOW Bachelor module "Business Functions II" (module number 1262). The module is recommended for the 4th trimester of the Bachelor's program, is offered in the fall trimester, and has a total credit value (including both Logistics and Production Management) of 8 ECTS credits.


Building on the examination of production systems, the strategic importance of production, as well as the development and production processes of goods and services, are characterized and compared. The fundamentals of designing a production system (e.g., types of manufacturing, production layout, etc.) are covered, as well as its operational management (e.g., resource planning, quality management, etc.). Additionally, the theoretical foundations of the course are illustrated with case studies.

Information Management WIN B.Sc. (1041)

General Information about the Course:

The module Information Management (module number 1041) for the Bachelor's program in Business Informatics is recommended for the 5th trimester, offered in the winter trimester, and is worth 8 ECTS credits. The module comprises the lecture "Knowledge and Information Management" (course number 10411) and the exercise "ERP Systems and SCM Systems" (course number 10412).


The lecture in this module provides fundamental knowledge about the goals, tasks, concepts, and methods of knowledge and information management, along with relevant practical case studies. The focus is on the role of knowledge and information within the organizational context, as well as the specific approaches and concepts for designing and implementing knowledge and information management. In the exercise "ERP Systems and SCM Systems," students acquire practical skills in using industry-standard systems for Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), with a focus on typical tasks and business cases.

Project Study (1271)

General Information:

Within the framework of the project study for the WOW B.Sc. (module number 1271), the fundamental contents of scientific work are covered in a lecture (course number 12711) and an exercise (course number 12712) conducted by the Chair of Leadership & Organizational Behavior (Prof. Hendrik Hüttermann) during the winter trimester. Additionally, the Chair of Innovation Management offers a project study recommended for the spring trimester of the 3rd year of the Bachelor's program.


Building on the basic knowledge of scientific work, the subsequent trimester (spring trimester) focuses on imparting practical skills for implementing scientific work and conducting a project. In several group sessions, the process, literature work, methodological approaches, and the development of scientific questions are collectively addressed, serving as a foundation for completing the examination. As part of the group work, a self-defined question is addressed within the framework of a project.

Master Modules

Innovation Management WOW M.Sc. (3765)

General Information about the Course:

The module "Innovations Management" for the Master's program in Business and Organizational Sciences M.Sc. (module number 3765) consists of a lecture (course number 37651) and is worth 5 ECTS credits. The module is always offered in the winter trimester and is recommended for the winter trimester in the 1st year of the Master's program.


Building on the definition of innovation and the role of innovations in the corporate context, the goals, tasks, and success factors of innovation management are discussed. Subsequently, participants in innovation processes and interactions between companies, as well as the organizational aspects of innovation processes within companies including practical case studies, are examined.

Innovation Management WIN M.Sc. (1039)

General Information about the Course:

The module Innovation Management for the Master of Science in Business Informatics program (module number 1039) consists of a lecture (course number 10391) and an exercise (course number 10392) with a total of 6 ECTS credits.

The module is always offered in the winter trimester and is recommended for the winter trimester in the 1st year of the Master's program.


Building on the definition of innovation and its role in the corporate context, the goals, tasks, and success factors of innovation management are covered. Subsequently, participants in innovation processes, interactions between companies, and the organizational aspects of innovation processes, including practical case studies, are discussed. These topics, along with methodological guidance for their term paper, are covered in the exercise.

Business Process Management I WOW M.Sc. (2454)

General Information about the Course:

The Master's module Business Process Management I (module number 2454) is recommended for the third trimester of the Master's program, is always offered in the fall trimester, and is worth 5 ECTS credits. The module can be taken as an elective in the Master of Science in Business Informatics program and is a mandatory course in the Master of Science in Business and Organizational Sciences program.


The module covers the fundamentals of process management, including essential terminology, the phase model of process management (definition, process recording and analysis, process design and implementation, process controlling and evaluation), and concrete practical examples.

Seminar Module (3756)

Recommended Prerequisites:

The seminar is open to students who have acquired sufficient knowledge in the specialization area that forms the thematic framework of the seminar.


The module consists of a seminar. Each institute offers at least one seminar. The content of the seminar is regularly aligned with current research topics and projects of the professorships involved in the institute; the structure and process depend on the requirements of the involved professorships.


The course prepares students for the development of their Master's thesis and provides them with the opportunity to gain their own research experience.

Duration and Frequency:

The module lasts for 1 trimester. The module starts each academic year in the winter trimester. The starting point is the winter trimester of the 2nd year of study.