Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Britzelmeier

Professur für Ingenieur-Mathematik (Prof. Gerdts)

Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Britzelmeier


I joined Matthias Gerdts and his group in March 2017 as a research assistant and doctorate student. Prior to that, I received a M.Sc. degree in Mechatronics Engineering from the University of Bayreuth, in January 2017.  Currently my research interest focuses on Dynamic Programming and Game Theoretical approaches, especially generalized Nash equilibria (GNEP) for coordination and optimal control of autonomous vehicles/robots.


FT 2020 Praktikum Optimale Steuerung
WT 2020 Mathematische Methoden
in den Ingenieurwissenschaften
HT 2019 Höhere Mathematik I
Höhere Mathematik II
FT 2019 Praktikum Optimale Steuerung
WT 2019 Höhere Mathematik III
HT 2018 Höhere Mathematik I
Höhere Mathematik II
FT 2018 Praktikum Optimale Steuerung
WT 2018 Höhere Mathematik III
HT 2017 Höhere Mathematik I
Höhere Mathematik II
FT 2017 Praktikum Optimale Steuerung


  • Britzelmeier, Andreas ; Alberto, De Marchi; Gerdts, Matthias:
    An Iterative Solution Approach for a Bi-level Optimization Problem for Congestion Avoidance on Road Networks
    In: Numerical Methods for Optimal Control Problems Springer International Publishing, pp. 23--382018,  ISBN 978-3-030-01959-4
  • Britzelmeier, Andreas ; Gerdts, Matthias:
    Non-linear Model Predictive Control of Connected, Automatic Cars in a Road Network Using Optimal Control Methods
    In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 51, Issue 2, 2018 . - S. 168-173 , ISSN 2405-8963

  • Britzelmeier, Andreas ; Klingler, Anna-Lena ; Chudej, Kurt:
    Optimaler Flug eines Drachenfliegers durch eine Wolkenstraße.
    In: Commerell, Walter ; Pawletta, Thorsten (Hrsg.): Tagungsband Workshop 2017 ASIM/GI-Fachgruppen. - Wien, Österreich : ARGESIM Verlag Wien , 2017 . - S. 169-176 . - (ARGESIM Report ; 53 ), ISBN 9783901608506

  • Chudej, Kurt ; Klingler, Anna-Lena ; Britzelmeier, Andreas:
    Trajectory optimization of a hang-glider in a valley breeze.
    2015, Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optimal Control and Inverse Problems , 09.-11.03.2015 , TU München, Garching bei München, Deutschland.

  • Chudej, Kurt ; Klingler, Anna-Lena ; Britzelmeier, Andreas
    Flight Path Optimization of a Hang-Glider in a Thermal Updraft.
    In: IFAC-PapersOnLine. Bd. 48 (2015) Heft 1 . - S. 808-812.
    ISSN 2405-8963, DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.05.076

Bachelor Thesis: