Dr. rer. nat. Alberto De Marchi

Professur für Ingenieur-Mathematik (Prof. Gerdts)
Building 41/300, Room 2307
+49 89 6004-3404

Dr. rer. nat. Alberto De Marchi


👨‍🏫 I am a Doctoral Student under the supervision of Prof. Matthias Gerdts. I have been working within his group since May 2017.

👨‍🔬 I am interested in numerical methods and algorithms for mathematical optimization and optimal control.

🤔 Also, I am curious about how people came to be curious.


MSc, Mechatronics Engineering, University of Trento (IT), 2014-2016.

BSc, Industrial Engineering, University of Trento (IT), 2011-2014.

TEACHING Assistance

WT 2020 Optimierung (BSc, ME)
HT 2019 Numerik (BSc, ME)



Sparse Switching Times Optimization and a Sweeping Hessian Proximal MethodOR 2019PDF, in press.

Constrained and Sparse Switching Times Optimization via Augmented Lagrangian Proximal Methods, ACC 2020, PDF.


On the Mixed-Integer Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control With Switching CostIEEE Control Systems LettersPDF.

Free finite horizon LQR: A bilevel perspective and its application to model predictive controlAutomatica, PDF.

An Iterative Method for Final Time Optimization in Nonlinear Optimal Control, SIAM CT19PDF.

Nonsmooth Newton’s Method: Some Structure Exploitation, ICCS 2019PDF.


An Iterative Solution Approach for a Bi-level Optimization Problem for Congestion Avoidance on Road Networks, in Numerical Methods for Optimal Control Problems, PDF.

Traffic Flow on Single-Lane Road Networks: Multiscale Modelling and SimulationMATHMOD 2018, PDF.


Optimal Control of a Laser Source to Generate a Minimum Time Trajectory of a Droplet in a Liquid LayerFuture Technologies Conference (FTC) 2016, PDF.

Last updated: 6 Aug 2020