Jahre der Veröffentlichungen
2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |
- LEUKERT, Kristin / DARWISH, Ahmed / REINHARDT, Wolfgang [2004]:
Transferability of Knowledge-Based Classification Rules
In: ALTAN, Orhan (Hrsg.): XXth ISPRS Congress Technical Commission IV, July 12-23, 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXV, Part B4, S. 1059-1064Download
- DARWISH, Ahmed / LEUKERT, Kristin / REINHARDT, Wolfgang [2003]:
Image Segmentation for the Purpose Of Object-Based Classification
In: IGARSS 2003, Learning From Earth's Shapes and Sizes. 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Proceedings, Vol. III, S. 2039-2041
ISBN: 0-7803-7929-2 [Druck]
ISBN: 0-7803-7930-6 [CD-ROM] - DARWISH, Ahmed / LEUKERT, Kristin / REINHARDT, Wolfgang [2003]:
Urban Land-Cover Classification: An Object Based Perspective
In: 2nd GRSS/ISPRS Joint Workshop on Remote Sensing and Data Fusion over Urban Areas, URBAN 2003, Berlin, 22-23 May 2003, Technical University of Berlin. IEEE Catalog Number: 03EX646, S. 278-282
ISBN: 0-7803-7719-2
- DARWISH, Ahmed / PRIDMORE, Tony P. / ELLIMAN, Dave [2002]:
Interpreting Aerial Images: A Knowledge Level Analysis
In: MACINTOSH, Ann / MOULTON, Mike / PREECE, Alun (Hrsg.): Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems IX. Proceedings of ES2001, the Twentyfirst SGES International Conference on Knowledge Based Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence. Springer Verlag, London, S. 169-182
ISBN: 978-1-85233-530-4
- DARWISH, Ahmed [2001]:
Land-Use Data from Remotely Sensed Images:
Greater Cairo Case Study
In: Seventh International Seminar on "GIS in planning and Sustainable Development" - Proceedings - DARWISH, Ahmed / SHAKWEER, Abeer F. [2001]:
Environmental Management Information Systems:
A Step towards Sustainable Development
In: Seventh International Seminar on "GIS in planning and Sustainable Development" - Proceedings - PRIDMORE, Tony P. / DARWISH, Ahmed / ELLIMAN, Dave [2001]:
Interpreting Line Drawing Images: A Common KADS Perspective
In: BLOSTEIN, Dorothea / KWON, Young-Bin (Hrsg.): Graphics Recognition Algorithms and Applications. 4th International Workshop, GREC 2001, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, September, 2001, Selected Papers. IAPR. Lectures Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 2390. Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, S. 245-255
ISBN: 3-540-44066-6
ISSN: 0302-9743Download
- SHAKWEER, Abeer F. / DARWISH, Ahmed A. [2000]:
Management information system for Cairo cleansing and beautifying agency
In: BREBBIA, Carlos Alberto / PASCOLO, Paolo (Hrsg.): Management Information Systems 2000: GIS and Remote Sensing. WIT Press, Southampton/Boston, S. 113-122
ISBN: 1-85312-815-5
ISSN: 1470-6326 - SHALABY, Matthew T. / DARWISH, Ahmed A. [2000]:
Classification trees for improving the accuracy of land use urban data from remotely sensed images
In: BREBBIA, Carlos Alberto / PASCOLO, Paolo (Hrsg.): Management Information Systems 2000: GIS and Remote Sensing. WIT Press, Southampton/Boston, S. 381-392
ISBN: 1-85312-815-5
ISSN: 1470-6326
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