08/1996 - 10/2002 | Studium: Geodäsie Bandung Institute of Technology (Institut Teknologi Bandung / ITB), Bandung, Indonesien Abschluss: Bachelor Bachelorarbeit: "Least Square Adjustment Implementation in 2 Dimensional Affine Transformation" |
04.-15.08.2006 | Schulung: "Oracle Spatial Training Database Administrator, Manager, Programmer and Operator" Bofatrindo Sukses PT, Jakarta, Indonesien |
05.-08.10.2006 | Schulung: "GIS Advance by Using ArcGIS" ESRI South Asia, Jakarta, Indonesien |
10/2009 - 03/2011 | Studium: Geoinformatik Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart Abschluss: Master of Science (M.Sc.) Master-Thesis: "Analysis and Integration of Open Access Geoinformation in the Spatial Data Infrastructure for Emercency Response and Disaster Preparedness" |
13.-17.10.2012 | Schulung: "Interferometric Synthetic Aperture RADAR (IFSAR) Data Processing" Intermap Technologies, Jakarta, Indonesien |