Technology-Specific Bridge for Responding with AI-planning to Disasters – (TSB4RAID) for Use Case – "Responding with AI-planning to Disasters"
Technologiespezifische Brücke für die Rettungseinsätze mit KI-Planung (TSB4RAID) für den Anwendungsfall »Einsätze mit KI-Planung in Katastrophen«.
TSB4RAID is a technical framework aimed at enabling the Unified Planning (UP) library as an intelligent and automated planning entity to the actors, i.e. unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which are engaged in missions.
TSB4RAID focuses on solving the Use-Case “Responding with AI-planning to Disasters (RAID)”.
Duration: 01.04.2023—31.10.2023
Funded by EU-Commission
Contracting parties
Scientific outputs
All scientific outputs will be available open source and published open access. Stay tuned!
Description of the TSB
The main objectives of TSB4RAID are:
Provide a technical bridge:
- to encode the planning domain/problem into problem objects compatible with the API (Application Programming Interface) of the UPF library
- and a user interface to interpret the plan solutions to be validated, confirmed or modified by a human operator
- to handle the problem dynamics by i) monitoring continuously the plan execution and by ii) encoding dynamic problem variables into problem objects
Provide a modularized implementation compatible with UAVs running on ROS2 and standard flight controllers (e.g. PX4 or ArduPilot)