Ruben Strenzke ... Doctoral Defence with Delay
14 May 2019
Ruben Strenzke is a doctor of engineering. From 2008 to 2011, the graduated computer scientist was a research assistant at the Chair of Aircraft Dynamics and Flight Guidance. During this time he played a major role in a first laboratory prototype for Manned-Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T) in transport helicopter missions. He was responsible for mission planning and replanning during flight of the helicopter and the UAVs involved. He was the first PhD student at our institute to make a contribution to the mixed initiative mission planning and dynamic plan generation using PDDL planners, which is still being pursued at the institute today. But then, even before completing his dissertation, he was drawn out into the wide world. This was followed by various engagements at Airbus, activities in Italy and Singapore. Today, we are delighted with him that he has finally completed his dissertation thanks to his great perseverance and considerable energy. His dissertation is entitled "Cooperation of Human and Artificial Intelligence on the Planning and Execution of Manned-Unmanned Teaming Missions in the Military Helicopter Domain: Concept, Requirements, Design, Validation". The traditional evening celebration gives reason for a very successful reunion with a number of former PhD students in a smaller circle. The photo shows Dr. Strenzke at the obligatory awarding of the doctoral hat after the examination by Dr. Diana Donath.