ISAP Research Panel at traditional aviation location
10 May 2019
For many years, the International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (ISAP) has been held every two years at Wright State University, Dayton, OH, a university which maintains a wide range of professional contacts with the US Air Force due to its proximity to the traditional Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. This is not the only reason why our contributions from the field of military aviation research (MARC, we reported) are always highly welcome here, as the Best Paper Award (2015) and two book contributions and two book contributions in "Advances in Aviation Psychology" (2014 and 2017) impressively demonstrate.
This time again, Prof. Axel Schulte (2nd from right in the picture) and his team are participating. Mike Vidulich and Pamela Tsang, the long-time organizers of the interdisciplinary conference series, have invited to a research panel on the topic "Using Science to Enhance Aviation". Besides Prof. Schulte, three distinguished scientists are on the panel, including Christopher D. Wickens (left in the picture), one of the most renowned protagonists of Cognitive Ergonomics since the 1980s. Since his visit to our institute in 1996, Axel Schulte, who at that time was just doing his doctorate, has been in friendly contact with Chris Wickens.
In 2021, ISAP is scheduled to move to Oregon State University in Portland.