Module type: compulsory elective

Academic: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ferdinand Englberger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vladislav Nenchev

Field of study: Master Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) - specializations Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) and Electronic Design Automation (EDA), Cyber Security (CYB)

Credit points: 5


As part of a project, student teams independently solve a given task for controlling an autonomous vehicle in the lab. The teams are responsible for planning the task. Algorithms for Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM), Path Planning, and Control are applied and configured. In addition, content from other modules of the specialization “Autonomous Intelligent Systems” is also used to solve the task.

For the practical implementation, an autonomous mobile robot (four-wheel vehicle without steering - 4WD) is to be programmed. The robot is controlled using the Robot Operating System (ROS).

The course materials can be found on the ILIAS learning platform at:

Institut für Embedded Systems - Embedded Systems und Digitale Signalverarbeitung