+49 89 6004-3657 | |
+49 89 6004-3723 | |
alessandra.camara@unibw.de |
Dr.-Ing. Alessandra Camara
Laboratory Facilities for Fulgurite and Lightning-Induced Volcanic Spherules (LIVS) Generation Camara, A.; Heidler, F. ; Cimarelli, C. ; Teixeira, L. In IEEE Conferences : 2019 International Symposium on Lightning Protection (XIV SIPDA), 29.09 - 04.10.2019, São Paulo |
Ströme auf Leitungen im Gebäudeinneren bei Potentialausgleich auf dem Dach Camara, A.; Heidler, F. . In : VDE VERLAG 2017, pp 104 -111 , 12. VDE/ABB-Fachtagung 12. – 13. Oktober 2017, Aschaffenburg
Currents on Electric Installations Inside of Buildings in Case of Lightning Equipotential Bonding at the Roof Heidler, F.; Camara, A.. In : International Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems, September 18 – 19, 2017 , Ljubljana.
Heidler F. ; Camara A. . In IEEE Conferences :2017 International Symposium on Lightning Protection (XIV SIPDA), pp. 14 – 19, Oktober 2017, Rio Grande do Norte
Voltage Harmonic Content of Long Artificially Generated Electrical Arc in Out-Door Experiment at 500 kV Towers. Tavares , M. C. , Talaisys , J. L., Câmara, A. S. B. . In : IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 21, Issue 3, pp. 1005-1014, June 2014.
Research in a 500 kV experimental line span : Electric Arc Model for Single-Pole Autoreclosure Studies. (Original title : Pesquisa em vão experimental de 500 kV : Modelo do arco elétrico para estudos de religamento monofásico) Camara, A.S.B., Portela, C. M. J. C. M., Gonçalves, R. A. A., Guimarães, M., Oliveira, O., Rocha, J. C., Tavares, M. C.
Estimation of Length Variation of Artificially Generated Electrical Arc in Out-Door Experiment . Talaisys, J., Tavares, M. C., Portela, C. M. J. C. M., Camara, A. S. B. In : International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST 11), Delft (IPST 2011, 2011. v.1. p.1 – 6)
Harmonic Content Of Current And Voltage of Electric Arc generated artificially In Non Confined Environment (Original Title : Conteúdo Harmônico Da Corrente E Tensão De Arcos Elétricos Gerados Artificialmente Em Ambiente Não Confinado) Tavares, M. C., Talaisys, J. L., Portela, C. M. J. C. M., Camara, A. S. B. . In : XVII Congresso Brasileiro de Automação (XVII CBA), 2010, Ribeirão Preto/Brazil.
Single-Pole Autoreclosure Studies – Research and Development of Secondary Arc Model (Original Title : Estudos De Religamento Monofásico - Pesquisa E Desenvolvimento De Modelo Do Arco Secundário) Portela, C. M. J. C. M., Camara, A. S. E. B., Gonçalves, R. A. A., Guimarães, M., Oliveira, O., Tavares, Maria C In: XX SNPTEE, 2009, Recife. Drittens in der Gruppe.
Secondary Arc Harmonic Content for Various Current Levels Based on Field Tests Montanari, A.A., Tavares, Maria C., Portela, C. M. J. C. M., Camara, A. S. B. . In : Proceedings of International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST 09), 2009, Kyoto/Japan.
Single-Phase Auto-Reclosure Studies: Some Basic Aspects on Main Elements Representation Camara, A. S. B., Portela, C. M. J. C. M., Tavares, M. C.. In : Proceedings of International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE), 2008 , Chongqing/China.
Camara, A. S. E. B., Portela, C. M. J. C. M., Tavares, M. C. In: Proceedings of International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE), 2008 , Chongqing/China.
Single-phase auto-reclosure studies: secondary arc model research including a 500kV line experimental circuitCamara, A. S. B., Portela, C. M. J. C. M., Gonçalves, R. A. A., Guimarães, M., Oliveira, O., Rocha, J. C., Tavares, M. C.. In : Proceedings of International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE) , 2008, Chongqing/China.
Mitigation of power system switching transients to improve power quality FERNANDEZ P. C., ESMERALDO P.C.V., CÂMARA A.S.B., ZANI C.R., BRONZEADO H., VAISMAN R.. In: VII Symposium of Specialists in Electric Operational and Expansion Planning (SEPOPE), 2000, Curitiba/ Brazil.
Studies of Lightning Surge Injection in the Substations of the North-South Interconnection (Original Title : ESTUDOS DE INJEÇÃO DE SURTO ATMOSFÉRICO NAS SUBESTAÇÕES DA INTERLIGAÇÃO NORTE-SUL ) Camara, A. S. B., Esmeraldo, P. C., Amon F°, J. A., Nakazato, A, Salgado, F.M. Resende, F.,Honda, J, Accioly, M., Maia, M. J., Leoni, R.L.G., Brasil, D.O.C. Oliveira, C.M.F.. In: XV SNPTEE, 1999, Foz do Iguaçu / Brazil.
Protection Against Lightning Surges Provided by Line Arresters - FURNAS’ Experience on 138 kV Systems Camara, A. ; . In: V SIPDA - International Symposium on Lightning Protection, 1999, São Paulo/ Brazil.
DESIGN STUDIES FOR THE BRAZILIAN NORTH-SOUTH 500 kV AC INTERCONNECTION Maia, M. J., Esmeraldo, P. C. V., Amon F°, J. , Camara, A. S. B., Nakazato, A., Resende, F.M., Salgado, F. M., Oliveira, C.M.F., Accioly, M., Honda, J., Brasil, D.O.C. ,Leoni, R.L.G . VI SEPOPE, 1998, Salvador.
Mitigation of power system switching transients to improve power quality Fernandez, P.C., Esmeraldo, P.C.V., Carvalho, F.M.S., Camara, A.S.B., Bronzeado, H.S., Vaisman, R… 8th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power. Proceedings (Cat. No.98EX227). IEEE, 1998. v.2. p.988