In the QuSAC Lab, we focus on the study and development of quantum-resistant public-key cryptography and advanced cryptographic primitives. We consider both modular constructions based on generic cryptographic building blocks as well as dedicated constructions based on concrete mathematical assumptions. In doing so, provable security plays central role in our work.
Our research is motivated by the increasing pervasive connectedness and rapid technological developments, which place high demands on the security and functionality of cryptographic primitives.
On the one hand, desirable or required security guarantees are often not provided by basic cryptographic primitives. Here, for example, we are working on the development of public-key encryption primitives that provide the required strong security properties, as well as on the theoretical foundations of privacy-preserving cryptography. In addition, (potential) advances in the field of quantum computing require the use of quantum-safe (or post-quantum) cryptography. Here we conduct research on classes of mathematical problems underlying the construction of quantum-safe schemes (e.g. isogeny-based cryptography) as well as on the design of (advanced) cryptographic primitives.
On the other hand, modern applications are becoming increasingly complex and require advanced functionality while at the same time providing high security guarantees. This requires cryptographic mechanisms whose functionality goes far beyond basic primitives. Here, for example, we deal with non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs and their succinct variants (so-called SNARKs).
Below we provide information on our ongoing and completed research projects. In our research, we mostly work with international and national partners from academia, industry and government.