Reader "Modell und Verfahren des Operations Research" anl. der Emeritierung von Prof. Dr. W. Krabs
International Journal for Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 136, Issue 2-3 anl. 1st Cologne-Twente Workshop 2001 (Cologne) on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization zus. mit Faigle, U., Broersma, H., Hurink, J.
International Journal for Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 154, Issue 9 anl. 2nd Cologne-Twente Workshop 2003 (Twente) on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization zus. mit Faigle, U., Hurink, J.
International Journal for Discrete Optimization anl. 3rd Cologne-Twente Workshop 2004 (Lago di Como) on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization zus. mit Faigle, U., Liberti, L., Maffioli, F.
International Journal for Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 155, Issue 14 anl. 3rd Cologne-Twente Workshop 2004 (Lago di Como) on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization zus. mit Faigle, U., Liberti, L., Maffioli, F.
Central European Journal of Operations Research, Volume 15, Issue 3 anl. EURO XXI Conference 2006 (Iceland) “Operations Research for a Better Management of Sustainable Development” zus. mit Weber, G.-W., Zachariasen, M.