04.12.2024 |
Dr. Alenka Gucek (Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slowenien)
Prof. Dr. Gabi Dreo Rodosek (FI CODE)
Prof. Dr. Eirini Ntoutsi (FI CODE)
Responsible Al: Balancing Innovation and Ethics (Podiumsdiskussion)
06.11.2024 |
Prof. Dr. Ivan Visconti (La Sapienza, University of Rome, Italien) |
Decentralized Trading of Digital Assets via Trustworthy Previews |
23.10.2024 |
Dr. Kamil Kluczniak (secunet Security Networks AG) |
Fully-Homomorphic Encryption and its applications to critical systems |
12.06.2024 |
Leah Zhang-Kennedy, PhD (University of Waterloo, Kanada) |
Deceptive Design and Privacy in Immersive Extended Reality |
17.04.2024 |
Dr. Lucjan Hanzlik (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security) |
Fast IDentity Online with Privacy and Attributes |
13.03.2024 |
Prof. Dr. Konrad Rieck (TU Berlin) |
When Papers Choose their Reviewers: Adversarial Machine Learning in Peer Review |
21.02.2024 |
Prof. Dr. Dominique Schröder (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Adaptor Signatures in Practice |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Wunder (FU Berlin) |
On Gradient-like Explanation under a Black-box Setting: When Black-box Explanations Become as Good as White-box |
Prof. Dr. Arthur Zimek (University of Southern Denmark) |
Fairness in Imbalanced Classification: An Adjustment to the k Nearest Neighbor Classifier |
11.10.2023 |
Prof. Dr. Roy Maxion (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) |
When the Rubbish Meets the Road: A Lesson About Bad Data in Keystroke Dynamics |
Prof. Dr. Kaveh Razavi (ETH Zürich, Schweiz)
Open Hardware Security – A New Hope
24.05.2023 |
Prof. Dr. Mark Yampolskiy (Auburn University, USA)
Additive Manufacturing Security: 10+ Reasons to be Concerned |
03.05.2023 |
Prof. Dr. Frank Piessens (Katholische Universität Leuven, Belgien)
Transient execution attacks: a simple system model and a proposal for a defense |
Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden (Universität Paderborn)
Managing the Dependency Hell – Challenges and Current Approaches to Software Composition Analysis
Samuel Groß (Google V8 Security)
Attacking and Defending JavaScript Engines |
Prof. Dr. Olivier Bartheye (French Air Force and Space Academy) |
The cyber-crisis management as a natural framework to address the challenge of coding decision-making autonomy in embedded systems |
Prof. Dr. Somesh Jha (University of Wisconsin Madison, USA) |
Trustworthy Machine Learning and the Security Mindset |
Prof. Steve Blackburn (Australian National University)
Garbage Collection – Implementation, Innovation, Performance and Security
29.01.2020 |
Prof. Dr. Laurence Tratt (Kings College London, UK) |
Between the Lines – VM Assumptions
Victor van der Veen (Qualcomm) |
System Security Research at Qualcomm Product Security |
Stijn Volckaert (Katholische Universität Leuven, Belgien)
Making Multi-Variant Execution Practical in the Real World |
Herbert Bos (Freie Universität Amsterdam, Niederlande)
Software and Harmware: when chip vendors pull the rug from under our feet |
Ben Titzer (Google Munich) |
What Spectre means for language implementors |
Prof. Stefan Katzenbeisser (Universität Passau)
Covert channels on mobile devices – gyroscopes and more
Dr. Phillip J. Windley (Brigham Young University, USA) |
An Identity Metasystem – Sovrin Foundation
03.04.2019 |
Thorsten Holz (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Scalable and Efficient Fuzzing for Complex Programs |
Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown University, USA)
Logic in the Service of System Configurations |
Lucas Davi (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Sereum – Protecting existing Smart Contracts against Re-Entrancy Attacks
Mathias Payer (EPF Lausanne, Schweiz)
Memory Corruption: Exploit-guided Software Testing |
Michael Franz (UC Irvine, USA) |
Cyber Attacks and Defenses: Trends, Challenges, and Outlook |
23.01.2019 |
Thomas Dullien (Google Project Zero) |
Computer Security "Exploits" and the weird machine |