Information about the Innovation Conference
Due to the increasing interconnectedness of all areas of life through information and communication technologies, the importance of innovative information technologies is playing an increasingly important role in all areas of social action. The timely integration and use of innovative developments is also crucial for the Bundeswehr's successful implementation of its own institutional objectives. The methods used so far to identify, assess and introduce IT innovations in the Bundeswehr will in future increasingly take account of the special features of information technologies, which In contrast to "classic armaments", are characterized by significantly shorter innovation cycles and driven substantially by new stakeholders outside the traditional (armaments) industry, such as the digital economy, start-ups or new scientific disciplines.
With the help of the innovation conference Cyber and Information Technology, the Bundeswehr wants to embark on a holistic path for the innovation dialogue cyber / IT as well as for the needs-oriented identification and introduction of IT innovations in the business area of the Federal Ministry of Defense.
Pitches at the Innovation Conference
There is a total of 12 short lectures that take place as part of two pitch blocks, each one lasting 1 hour. Each short presentation will last 7 minutes. After each pitch block the audience has the opportunity to meet the speakers at the speaker meeting points to ask further questions.
If we have the consent of a speaker, you can find the presentation slides below. More presentation slides can follow in the next few days and weeks.
13:50 - 14:00, Introduction to the Innovation Conference
13:50 - 14:00 |
Welcoming and Introduction Major-General Jürgen Setzer, Deputy Chief, CIDS command
14:00 - 15:00, Short Pitches I
Non-Visible-Data Technologie - Daten werden nur für die bestimmungsgemäße Nutzung sichtbar [Video] |
Kai Rehnelt | SECLOUS GmbH |
IT-Security Awareness Penetration Testing [Video] | Prof. Dr. Michael Meier | Universität Bonn |
Cyber-AUGE Automatisierte Erkennung von Cyber-Risiken [Video] | Jürgen Ziegler | IABG mbH |
PoCyMa - Ein Ansatz für rekursive KI-basierte Entscheidungsunterstützung bei IT Vorfällen [Video] | Dr. Peter Hillmann | localos |
GeoDialog - Ein Dialog-basiertes Geoinformations- und Navigationssystem [Video] | Martin Werner | - |
Automatisierung des Erfassungsprozesses von topographischen Vektordaten mit freiverfügbaren Geodaten und KI [Video] | Iris Wieser | IABG mbH |
15:00 - 15:50, Meet the Speakers I
15:50 - 16:50, Short Pitches II
Effektiver Einsatz von KI-Methoden in der Abwehr von Cyber- Angriffen durch UEBA und Automatisierung [Video] | Jan Heinbücher | secadm GmbH / CRAG M |
Kooperative und standortunabhängige Geländebeurteilung zur Einsatzplanung mittels 3D Virtual Reality Globus und 2D digitaler Lagekarte [Video] | Florian, van de Camp | Fraunhofer IOSB |
5G Pop-Up [Video] | Robert Rödler | IABG mbH |
Klaus Hauber | Thales Deutschland GmbH | |
Patrick Rosenthal | Thales Alenia Space Deutschland GmbH | |
Günter Schäfer | Technische Universität Ilmenau |
16:50 - 16:55, Wrap Up
16:55 - 17:45, Meet the Speakers II
from 18:00 |
Social Event & Award Ceremony Innovation Conference
Major-General Jürgen Setzer, Deputy Chief, CIDS command
Universitätscasino, building 61 |