Innovation Conference - November 11, 2020


We congratulate the winners of this year's innovation conference:

3rd place:

Tobias Appel (LRZ): Automated Success Verification of Exploits for Penetration Testing with Metasploit

2nd place:

Michael Grytz (HENSOLDT GmbH): I-unHYDE - Intelligent unmasking of Hybrid Deception

1st place:

Ingmar Heinrich and Ulf Schröter (Rheinmetall Electronics GmbH): Moving Target Defence in Micro-Segmented Zero-Trust Networks


13:50 - 14:00
Introduction - Bernd Schlömer, CIT I.2, Federal Ministry of Defence (FMoD)
14:00 - 15:00
Innovation Pitches I
15:00 - 15:50  
Meet the Speakers I
15:50 - 16:50
Innovation Pitches II
16:50 - 17:40 Meet the Speakers II
17:40 - 17:45
Wrap Up
from 17:45
Nomination of the Winners of the Innovation Confrerence,
Lieutenant General Michael Vetter, Director-General Cyber/IT and CIO, FMoD

Pitch Session I

Dynamic network segmentation for full-whitelisting network operations Arnold Krille genua GmbH
Emotional Hotspots on Twitter: Visualizing Topical Trends and Community Movements Joschka Kersting UniBw M / FI CODE
Moving Target Defence in Micro-Segmented Zero-Trust Networks
[For questions regarding this topic, feel free to contact directly the persons mentioned on the right via email.]
Rheinmetall Electronics GmbH
DIRNDL - Decision Intelligence via Reinforced Neural Defender Logic Dr. Philip Trautmann IABG
Adversarial Camouflage: Adversarial Machine Learning as Concealment for Military Operations Raphael Labaca Castro UniBw M / FI CODE
Active Cyber Detection and Defense with deepSINT Jonas Andrulis Aleph Alpha GmbH

Pitch Session II

Automated Success Verification of Exploits for Penetration Testing with Metasploit - [Präsentation Slides] Tobias Appel Leibniz Supercomputing Center
Forward battlefield video analytics Michael Gorkow SAS Institute
I-unHYDE - Intelligent unmasking of Hybrid Deception Michael Grytz HENSOLDT Sensors GmbH
Ultra-secure 5G optimized communication with Quantum Computer resistant encryption module Henning Schiel Patero GmbH
Intelligent News Analysis Sinclair Schneider UniBw M / FI CODE
Highspeed dissemination of OpenStreetMap (OSM) data in ArcGIS cloud platform - Detection of anomalies Thorsten Braun Esri Deutschland