Capture the Flag: Catching B8tes


RI CODE's traditional hacking competition was held for the eighth time in fall 2022. CODE and Team localos presented the CTF 2022 - The Spanning Tree: Catching B8tes. The event started on the 25th of November and provided a Jeopardy-Track.


The 2022 CTF was all about protecting Panem's 12 districts from the Capitol. During the Hunger Games, the mission was to infiltrate the gamemakers' systems to protect and free all tributes.

Online Qualifying

As every year, a successful qualification was the precondition to receive glory and honor. The online qualifying took place from the 13th to the 17th of October. The main event was on-site at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich campus.

Each qualified team could consist of a maximum of four members. Teams that didn't qualify for the on-site event could participate in a separate online track.


What was the goal of this event?
  • Solve IT security challenges in a team
  • Acquire and expand new skills and abilities
  • Meaningful and constructive distraction from everyday student life
  • Fun and good mood


>> Read follow-up report (in German)

Unterstützer des CTF 2022

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