Capture the Flag 2021: Game of Trons

26. 11. 2021 - 27. 11. 2021 | siehe weitere Infos

To populate continents and gain dominance is the goal of this year’s CTF hacking competition. Instead of murder and intrigue, solving murderous challenges shall be the order of the day. With this goal in mind, the delegates will meet on 26./27. November at the Universität der Bundeswehr München (and online) to compete in a Jeopardy-style competition.

What is the goal of this event?

  • Solve IT security challenges in your team
  • Acquire and expand new skills and abilities
  • Meaningful and constructive distraction from everyday student life
  • Fun and good mood

For more information, please download the Event Flyer (PDF, 3.7 MB)

CTF 2021 is supported by:




Infos & Anmeldung

RI CODE supported by team localos and ITIS e.V.
OHG, Campus UniBw M / online
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