Gesinus meeting 2024

On June 20 and 21, 2024, the annual Gesinus meeting took place at the Institute for Water and Environmental System Modeling (IWS) in Vaihingen near Stuttgart. The GErman SINo Unsteady Sediment Transport (GESINUS) meeting, which was once initiated by a symposium, serves the specialized exchange in the complex field of sediment transport research. This year, the Institute of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich was strongly represented with four participants.

Over the course of two half days, there were exciting presentations on laboratory experiments, numerical modeling and remote sensing. The contributions and discussions were particularly enriching and encouraged personal exchange. Participants from the Federal Institute of Hydraulic Engineering in Karlsruhe, FAU Erlangen, ETH Zurich, the University of Stuttgart and the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich contributed significantly to the success of the Gesinus meeting.

This year's meeting not only offered interesting professional insights, but also valuable networking opportunities. The participants from the Bundeswehr University Munich also had the honor of taking the challenge cup back to Neubiberg. This means that the Gesinus Meeting 2025 will take place in Neubiberg. We look forward to seeing all participants again next year at the University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich and continuing the fruitful exchange.

You can find more information about Gesinus here.


Lectures at the University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich:
  • Flume experiments on the mobility of landslides with erosion (Dr. rer. nat. Katharina Wetterauer)
  • Experimental Investigation of Thermohydraulic Mechanisms Governing Water Infiltration into Frozen Soil (Julian Bauer, M.Sc.)
  • Solving 1D-Shallow Water Equation using Physical-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) (Henrik Schmieder, M.Sc.)
  • Hydro-morphological simulation and analysis of the tidal Elbe - Modeling and parameterization (Dr. Ing. Kaveh Keivan)

