Dipl.-Ing. Matthias RENTSCH
Jahre der Veröffentlichungen
2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2003 | 2000 | 1993 |
- HEIPKE, Christian / OBERST, Jürgen / ALBERTZ, Jörg / ATTWENGER, Maria / DORNINGER, Peter / DORRER, Egon / EWE, Markus / GEHRKE, Stephan / GWINNER, Klaus / HIRSCHMÜLLER, Heiko / KIM, Jung Rack / KIRK, Randolph L. / MAYER, Helmut / MULLER, Jan-Peter / RENGARAJAN, Rajagopalan / RENTSCH, Matthias / SCHMIDT, Ralph / SCHOLTEN, Frank / SHAN, Jie / SPIEGEL, Michael / WÄHLISCH, Marita / NEUKUM, Gerhard / HRSC CO-INVESTIGATOR TEAM [2007]:
In: Proceedings of the ISPRS WG IV/7 Extraterrestrial Mapping Workshop "Advances in Planetary Mapping", March 17, 2007, Houston, Texas, USA. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston/USA, S. 33-34Download
- HEIPKE, Christian / OBERST, Jürgen / ALBERTZ, Jörg / ATTWENGER, Maria / DORNINGER, Peter / DORRER, Egon / EWE, Markus / GEHRKE, Stephan / GWINNER, Klaus / HIRSCHMÜLLER, Heiko / KIM, Jung Rack / KIRK, Randolph L. / MAYER, Helmut / MULLER, Jan-Peter / RENGARAJAN, Rajagopalan / RENTSCH, Matthias / SCHMIDT, Ralph / SCHOLTEN, Frank / SHAN, Jie / SPIEGEL, Michael / WÄHLISCH, Marita / NEUKUM, Gerhard / HRSC CO-INVESTIGATOR TEAM [2007]:
Evaluating Planetary Digital Terrain Models - The HRSC DTM Test
In: Planetary and Space Science, Vol. 55, Issue 4, S. 2173-2191
ISSN: 0032-0633Download
- HEIPKE, Christian / OBERST, Jürgen / ALBERTZ, Jörg / ATTWENGER, Maria / DORNINGER, Peter / DORRER, Egon / EWE, Markus / GEHRKE, Stephan / GWINNER, Klaus / HIRSCHMÜLLER, Heiko / KIM, Jung Rack / KIRK, Randolph L. / MAYER, Helmut / MULLER, Jan-Peter / RENGARAJAN, Rajagopalan / RENTSCH, Matthias / SCHMIDT, Ralph / SCHOLTEN, Frank / SHAN, Jie / SPIEGEL, Michael / WÄHLISCH, Marita / NEUKUM, Gerhard / HRSC CO-INVESTIGATOR TEAM [2007]:
In: ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium, 25-30 September, 2006, Goa, India. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVI, Part 4, S. 311-325
ISSN 1682-1777 (CD-ROM)Download
- DORRER, Egon / MAYER, Helmut / HAASE, Yvonne / OSTROVSKY, Alexey / RENTER, Jörg / RENTSCH, Matthias / REZNIK, Sergiy / NEUKUM, Gerhard / HRSC CO-INVESTIGATOR TEAM [2005]:
Verbesserung räumlicher Daten durch "Shape-from-Shading"
In: Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation, Jahrgang 2005, Heft 5, S. 403-408
ISSN: 1432-8364Download
- REINARTZ, Peter / LEHNER, Manfred / MÜLLER, Rupert / RENTSCH, Matthias / SCHROEDER, Manfred [2003]:
First Results on Accuracy Analysis for DEM and Orthoimages Derived from SPOT HRS Stereo Data over Bavaria
In: High Resolution Mapping from Space 2003, Proceedings, Oct. 6-8, 2003, Hannover, Germany. Joint Workshop of ISPRS Working Groups I/2, I/5, IC WG II/IV and EARSeL Special Interest Group: 3D Remote Sensing. CD-ROM, 4 S.Download
- RENTSCH, Matthias / BRAUN, Alexander / HELM, Achim / SCHÖNE, Tilo [2000]:
Operational Altimetry at GFZ - From ERS-2 to Envisat
In: SAWAYA-LACOSTE, Huguette (Hrsg.): ERS-Envisat Symposium "Looking down to Earth in the New Millenium", 16-20 October 2000, Svenska Mässan Congress Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden. European Space AAgency (ESA), Noordwijk, 7 S.
ISBN: 92-9092-685-6Download
- HEIPKE, Christian / RENTSCH, Matthias [1993]:
Vernagt- and Guslarferner, Austria, 1:10.000
In: HAEBERLI, Wilfried / HOELZLE, Martin (Hrsg.): Fluctuations of Glaciers 1985-1990, Vol. VI. A Contribution to the Global Environment Monitoring System (GEMS) and the International Hydrological Programme. Zürich, S. 96-97Download
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