
Giulia Parola, geboren 1990 in Saluzzo (Italien), begann ihr Studium des Internationalen Handels an der Universität Turin. Sie sammelte verschiedene akademische und berufliche Erfahrungen in Italien, Deutschland, Spanien, Marokko und Indien. Im Jahr 2014 zog Giulia nach München und erwarb einen Master-Abschluss in Life Science Economics and Policy an der Technischen Universität München. Seit Oktober 2018 arbeitet sie als Research Associate an der Munich Business School (MBS), wo sie für das Projekt "YES! Young Entrepreneurs Succeed" verantwortlich ist. Seit Oktober 2021 leitet sie das Projekt "Stay-on: a community-based and driven project", im Namen des European Center for Social Finance, einem 2018 neu gegründeten Kompetenzzentrum der MBS. Beide Projekten werden vom EEA & Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment finanziert. Frau Parola hat am 23.11.2023 ihre ausgezeichnete Dissertation zum Thema "Seeing the practice light at the end of the research tunnel: Toward an Integration of theory, research and practice In career management" im Rahmen des Promotionskolloquiums erfolgreich verteidigt.


Parola, Giulia/Spiess-Knafl, Wolfgang/Thaler, Julia (2022). The butterfly effect: How academics and practitioners’ micro-practices shape turning points in response to paradox. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 21(3), pp. 369-393. https://doi.org/10.5465/amle.2021.0235

Parola, Giulia (2020). Escape from parents’ basement? Post COVID-19 scenarios for the future of youth employment in Italy, in: Labour Economics Papers, 111/2020, pp. 51-71, DOI:10.3280/QUA2020-111003.


Konferenzen und Workshops

Parola, Giulia/Thaler, Julia/Solivo, Matteo (2022): What’s so good about feeling good?
Using metaphors to explore how an employment initiative changes NEETs’ mental models, Doktorandenseminar an der Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Organisationswissenschaften, Neubiberg, Deutschland.

Parola, Giulia/Thaler, Julia/Solivo, Matteo (2022): What’s so good about feeling good?
Using metaphors to explore how an employment initiative changes youth’s mental models, 19. Doktoranden- und Habilitandenkolloquium "Management Science“, Köln, Deutschland.

Parola, Giulia (2022): How to successfully publish journal articles – Part 2: Navigating the publishing process, Lunch Talk an der Munich Business School, München, Deutschland.

Parola, Giulia (2022): How to successfully publish journal articles – Part 1: What is a good paper, Lunch Talk an der Munich Business School, München, Deutschland.

Parola, Giulia (2022): Average stories: Microcredit for young entrepreneurs and youth employment, Workshop EaSI TA von der Italian Microfinance Network organisiert, Virtuelle Veranstaltung.

Parola, Giulia/Thaler, Julia/Solivo, Matteo (2022): What’s so good about feeling good? Using ZMET to explore how an employment initiative changes youth’s mental models, PhD course Publishing Journal Articles in Business, Management and Organization Studies, Copenhagen Business School, Kopenhagen, Dänemark.

Parola, Giulia/Tülü, Mine (2021): Doing research with real-world impact through project grants, Science@Lunch Seminar bei Munich Business School, München, Deutschland.

Parola, Giulia/Spiess-Knafl, Wolfgang/Thaler, Julia (2021): An investigation of turning point trajectories affecting paradox management in academic-practitioner collaborations, Kolloquium des Forschungsschwerpunkts Management öffentlicher Aufgaben, Virtuelle Veranstaltung.

Parola, Giulia/Thaler, Julia/Solivo, Matteo (2021): How do young adults perceive employment initiatives?, PDW Navigating Qualitative Dissertations, 81st Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Virtuelle Veranstaltung.

Parola, Giulia/Spiess-Knafl, Wolfgang/Thaler, Julia (2021): Managing paradoxes of performing in academic-practitioner collaborations, Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE) Virtual Paper Development Workshop II, Virtuelle Veranstaltung.

Parola, Giulia (2021): The dialectic of academic-practitioner collaborations, Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE) Virtual Paper Development Workshop I, Virtuelle Veranstaltung.

Parola, Giulia (2020): Social exchange and identity in academic-practitioner collaborations, PhD course Qualitative Research Methods, Copenhagen Business School, Virtuelle Veranstaltung.

Parola, Giulia (2020): Escape from parents' basement? Post COVID-19 scenarios for the future of youth employment in Italy, 35th National Conference of Labour Economics, Virtuelle Veranstaltung.

Parola, Giulia (2020): Putting a man in the labour market: Academic-practitioner collaborations in career management, Kolloquium des Forschungsschwerpunkts Management öffentlicher Aufgaben, Neubiberg, Deutschland.

Parola, Giulia (2019): Explaining and linking institutional trust to job search self-efficacy: a cross-sectional study, Dynamic Capabilities & Relationships (DCR) Conference, Heilbronn, Deutschland.

Parola, Giulia (2019): Explaining and linking institutional trust to job search self-efficacy in three disadvantaged regions in Europe: a cross-sectional study, 11th International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC), Glasgow, Vereinigtes Königreich.

Parola, Giulia (2019): Explaining and linking institutional trust to job search self-efficacy in three disadvantaged regions in Europe: a cross-sectional study, 18th Doctoral and Postdoctoral Dolloquium "Management Science“, Saarbrücken, Deutschland.

Parola, Giulia (2018): Scaling trust-based partnership models to recharge youth entrepreneurship: supporting underserved communities with innovative entrepreneurship support instruments, 2nd Social Impact Investments International Conference, Rom, Italien.