Visiting the Universitas Islam Riau in Pekanbaru - with Prof. Dr. Syafrinaldi, Rector UIR
20 Mai 2019
From 10.2.2018 - 16.2.2018 Professor Koos and Prof. Dr. Michael Bohne from the University of Applied Sciences Dortmund visited the Universitas Islam Riau (UIR) and the state Universitas Riau (UI) in Pekanbaru/ Sumatra. The stay at the UIR is part of a long-term cooperation between Professor Koos, who teaches there regularly as a permanent guest professor, and the UIR, whose rector, Prof. Dr. Syafrinaldi, did his doctorate at the Faculty SOWI of the UniBW Munich. The cooperation was extended with Professor Michael Bohne, who teaches private law at the University of Applied Sciences Dortmund, and cooperation agreements were made between the participating professors from Germany and UIR and the Faculties of Law, Political and Social Sciences, Economics and the Faculty of Engineering. In addition, seminars and lectures were held at the various faculties on the topics of data protection, consumer protection and the intellectual property protection of cultural heritage and a meeting was held with the police president of Siak Province.