Turbulence, selected publications in alphabetical order
Bross M, Fuchs T, Kähler CJ (2019) Interaction of coherent flow structures in adverse pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 873:287-321
Huisman SG, Scharnowski S, Cierpka C, Kähler CJ, Lohse D, Sun C (2013) Logarithmic boundary layers in highly turbulent Taylor-Couette flow. Physical Review Letters 110:264501
Kähler CJ, Scharnowski S, Cierpka C (2016) Highly resolved experimental results of the separated flow in a channel with streamwise periodic constrictions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 796:257-284
Knopp T, Buchmann N, Schanz D, Eisfeld B, Cierpka C, Hain R, Schröder A, Kähler CJ (2015) Investigation of scaling laws in a turbulent boundary layer flow with adverse pressure gradient using PIV. Journal of Turbulence 16:250-272
- Knopp T, Buchmann N, Schanz D, Cierpka C, Hain R, Schröder A, Kähler CJ (2016) Investigation of the Law-of-the-Wall for a Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow Subject to an Adverse Pressure Gradient Using Particle Imaging. In Book: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics X:177-187
- Reuther N, Kähler CJ (2018) Evaluation of large-scale turbulent/non-turbulent interface detection methods for wall-bounded flows. Experiments in Fluids 59:121