Gebäude 41/400, Zimmer 2409 | |
+49 89 6004 3777 | |
michael.koch@unibw.de |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Koch
Human-Computer-Interaction Group
Michael Koch is professor for Human-Computer Interaction at Universität der Bundeswehr München in Munich, Germany. Previously he was working in industry at the Xerox Research Centre Europe and at TU München, University Dortmund and University Bremen. He studied Informatics at TU München, and received in 1997 a doctorate (PhD) in Informatics and in 2003 the Habilitation (post-doctoral lecturer qualification) in Informatics from the same university. For the last 20 years Michael has been dedicated to creating usable systems in work and leisure contexts (Computer-Supported Cooperative Work). His main interests in research and education are shaping cooperation systems, i.e. bringing collaboration technology to use in teams, communities and networks, and bringing integration and user interface technologies one step further to support this. He is chairman of the special interest area on Human-Computer-Interaction in the German Computer Society (GI) and member of the boards of German ACM SIGCHI Chapter and the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET).
ORCID: 0000-0002-9694-6946
Organisations (I am member of)
- Steering committee of Special Interest group on CSCW in the German Computing Society
- Steering committee of Special Interest group on Human Computer Interaction in the German Computing Society
- Fellow of German Computing Society (GI)
- Steering committee of European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET)
- Forschungszentrum Cyper Operations and Defence @ UniBw M
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Editor in Chief Zeitschrift i-com - Journal of Interactive Media
- Herausgebergremium der Lecture Notes in Informatics (der Gesellschaft für Informatik)
- Steering committee of Freundeskreis Fregatte Bayern e.V.
More information:
- My publications/profile at mendeley.com
- My publications/profile at researchgate.net
- My publications/profile at Google Scholar
- My publications/profile at Microsoft Academic Search
- My genealogical tree page at academictree.org
- My genealogical tree page at genealogy.math
- My genealogical tree page at wige.net