Lippuner, S., Salomon, M., Korb, M., Gautschi, M., Dellsperger, T., Altorfer, S., Rogin, J., Willi, S., Tschopp, D., Weber, B., Huang, Q.: "A Triple-Mode Cellular lo T SoC Achieving -136.8-dBm eMTC Sensituvity", IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters, 2020

Salomon, M., Lippuner, S., Korb, M., Huang, Q.: "Implementation and performance evaluation of cellular NB-lo T O TDOA positioning", IEEE/ION Position, Locarion and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), Conference Paper, 2020 

Korb, M., Huang, Q., Stockel, P., Kappen, G., Weber, B., Garcia, M.: "A Cellular-Modem-Hosted low-Cost Single-Shot Dual-Mode Assisted-GNSS Receiver for the Internet of Things", IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), Conference Paper, 2020

Rettenmeier, F., Maurer, L.: "Monte-Carlo-based Signal Simulation of Silicon Drift Detectors", IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), Conference Paper, 2020

Kumar, P., Stajic, D., Böhme, E., Isa, E., Maurer, L.: "A 500 mV, 4.5 mW, 16 GHz VCO with 33.3% FTR, designed for 5G applications", IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NorCAS), Conference Paper, 2020

Poongodan, P., Vanselow, F., Maurer, L.: "A Two-Level, High Voltage Driver Circuit with Nanosecond Delay for Ultrasonic Transducers", 9th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), Conference Paper, 2020

Sakolski, O., Poongodan, P., Vanselow, F., Maurer, L.: "A Feedforward Compensated High-Voltage Linear Regulator With Fast Response, Hiegh-Current Sinking Capability", IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters, Journal Article, 2020

Ammer, M., Cao, Y., Rupp, A., Sauter, M., Maurer, L.: "Bringing the SEED Approach to the Next Level: Generating IC Models for System ESD and Electrical Stress Simulation out of Design Data", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Journal Article, 2020