Korb, M., Noll, T.: "A quantitative analysis of fixed-point LDPC-decoder implementations using hardware-accelerated HDL emulations", International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems (SAMOS), Conference Paper, 2012
A. Fischer, L. Maurer, and A. Stelzer, "A 77-GHz Antenna and Fully Integrated Radar Transceiver in Package", Int. J of Microw. and Wireless Technologies, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 447-453, Aug. 2012.
A. Hamidipour, A. Fischer, L. Maurer, and A. Stelzer, "A Rhombic Antenna Array Solution in eWLB Package for Millimeter-Wave Applications", in Proc. 42nd European Microw. Conf., Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 2012, pp. 205-208.
Z. Tong, A. Fischer, A. Stelzer, and L. Maurer, "Bandwidth and Gain Enhancement af Antenna in Package", in Proc. 21st Elect. Performance Electron. Packaging Syst. Conf., Tempe, AZ, USA, Oct. 2012, pp. 149-152
F. Starzer, A. Fischer, H. Knapp, R. Lachner, M. Wojnowski, L. Maurer, and A. Stelzer, "A Low Phase Noise VCO in eWLB Package", in Proc. 14th Electron. Packaging Technol. Conf., Singapore, Dec. 2012, pp. 326-329
Maurer, L., Ruppel, C., Vazny, R., Weigel, R.: "Future of SAW/BAW Devices in Mobile Radio: A Brief Review", Report of the 129th Technical Meeting 2012 International Symposium on Acoustic Wave Devices for Future Mobile Communication Systems, 2012, S. 61-64
Hamidipour, A., Fischer, A., Maurer, L., Stelzer, A.: "On the feasibility of an antenna in package with stacked directors", International Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), IEEE MTT-S, 2012, S. 1 – 3
Wagner, C., Bock, J., Wojnowski, M., Jager, H., Platz, J., Treml, M., Dober, F., Lachner, R., Minichshofer, J., Maurer, L.: "A 77GHz automotive radar receiver in a wafer level package", Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), 2012, S. 511 – 514
Laemmle, B., Vinci, G., Maurer, L., Weigel, R., Koelpin, A.: "A 77-GHz SiGe Integrated Six-Port Receiver Front-End for Angle-of-Arrival Detection", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 47(9), S. 1966 – 1973, 2012
Knapp, H., Treml, M., Schinko, A., Kolmhofer, E., Matzinger, S., Strasser, G., Lachner, R., Maurer, L., Minichshofer, J.: "Three-channel 77 GHz automotive radar transmitter in plastic package", Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), 2012, S. 119 – 122
Tong, Z., Fischer, A., Wang, X., Stelzer, A., Maurer, L.: "Wideband differential antenna in package with superstrate structure at 77GHz", IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP), 2012, S. 203 – 206 Best Paper
Starzer, F., Forstner, H.P., Maurer, L., Stelzer, A: "A 21-GHz self-oscillating down-converter mixer", IEEE 12th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF), 2012, S. 93 – 96