Korb, M., Noll, T.: "LDPC decoder area, timing, and energy models for early quantitative hardware cost estimates", International Symposium on System on Chip, Conference Paper, 2010
F. Starzer, E. Kolmhofer, R. Feger, F. Wiesinger, L. Maurer, and A. Stelzer, "18-GHz Dual-Down-Converter for a Dual-77-GHz Offset-PLL to act in a Heterodyne Radar Transceiver", in Proc. IEEE Austochip, Workshop an Microelectronics, Villach, Austria, Oct. 2010
D. Kissinger, H. P. Forstner, H. Jäger, L. Maurer, and R. Weigel, "A Differential 77-GHz Receiver with Current Re-use Low-Noise Amplifier in SiGe Technology", in Proc. IEEE SiRF, pp. 128–131, (New Orleans, USA), Jan. 2010
L. Maurer, R. Stuhlberger, C. Wicpalek, G. Haberpeuntner, and G. Hueber, "Highly Flexible Digital Front-End Enhanced CMOS-Based RF Transceivers – A Brief Overview", In Proc. Fourth International Symposium on Acoustic Wave Devices for Future Mobile Communication Systems, pages 1–7, Tokio, Japan, Mar. 2010. Invited Paper
B. Laemmle, C. Wagner, H. Knapp, H. Jäger, L. Maurer, and R. Weigel, “A Differential Pair based Direct Digital Synthesizer MMIC with 16.8 GHz Clock and 488 mW Power Consumption“, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 9 pages, 2010
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "Simulation of Landau quantization effects due to strong magnetic fields in (110) Si hole inversion layers", IWCE 2010, Pisa, Italien/p>
Bieder, J., Hong, S.-M., Jungemann, C.: "A deterministic Boltzmann solver for GaAs devices based on the spherical harmonics Expansion", IWCE 2010, Pisa, Italien
Jungemann, C., Hong, S.-M., Matz, G.: "High-order spherical harmonics solution of the Boltzmann equation and noise modeling", IWCE 2010, Pisa, Italien, Invited Paper
Hong, S.-M., Matz, G., Jungemann, C.: "A Deterministic Boltzmann Equation Solver Based on a Higher-Order Spherical Harmonics Expansion with Full-Band Effects", Transactions on Electron Devices, 2010
Tyaginov, S.E., Starkov, I.A., Triebl, O., Cervenka, J., Jungemann, C., Carniello, S., Park, J.M., Enichlmair, H., Karner, M., Kernstock, Ch., Seebacher, E., Minixhofer, R., Ceric, H., Grasser, T.: "Interface Traps Density-Of-States as a Vital Component for Hot-Carrier Degradation Modeling, Microelectronics Reliability", 2010
Tyaginov, S.E., Starkov, I.A., Triebl, O., Cervenka, J., Jungemann, C., Carniello, S., Park, J.M., Enichlmair, H., Karner, M., Kernstock, Ch., Seebacher, E., Minixhofer, R., Ceric, H., Grasser, T.: "Hot-Carrier Degradation Modeling Using Full-Band Monte-Carlo Simulations", International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA) 2010, Singapur
Starkov, I.A., Tyaginov, S.E., Triebl, O., Cervenka, J., Jungemann, C., Carniello, S., Park, J.M., Enichlmair, H., Karner, M., Kernstock, Ch., Seebacher, E., Minixhofer, R., Ceric, H., Grasser, T.: "Analysis of Worst-Case Hot-Carrier Conditions for High Voltage Transistors Based on Full-Band Monte-Carlo Simulations", International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA) 2010, Singapur
Starkov, I.A., Tyaginov, S.E., Enichlmair, H., Triebl, O., Cervenka, J., Jungemann, C., Carniello, S., Park, J.M., Ceric, H., Grasser, T.: "HC degradation model: interface state profile – simulations vs. Experiment", Workshop on Dielectric Materials (WoDiM), Bratislava, Slowakei, 2010
Tyaginov, S.E., Starkov, I.A., Triebl, O., Cervenka, J., Jungemann, C., Carniello, S., Park, J.M., Enichlmair, H., Karner, M., Kernstock, Ch., Seebacher, E., Minixhofer, R., Ceric, H., Grasser, T.: "Interface states charges as a vital component for HC degradation modeling", European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis (ESREF) 2010, Gaeta, Italien
Riedlberger, E., Keller, R., Reisinger, H., Gustin, W., Spitzer, A., Stecher, M., Jungemann, C.: "Modeling the lifetime of a lateral DMOS transistor in repetitive clamping mode", IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), 2010
Dinh, T.V., Kraus, R., Jungemann, C.: "Investigation of the Performance of Strained-SiGe Vertical IMOS-Transistors", Solid-State Electronics, 2010
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "Comparison of Strained SiGe Heterostructure-on-Insulator (001) and (110) PMOSFETs: C-V Characteristics, Mobility, and ON Current" , wird präsentiert auf ESSDERC 2010, Sevilla, Spanien
Hong, S.-M., Jungemann, C.: "Inclusion of the Pauli Principle in a Deterministic Boltzmann Equation Solver for Semiconductor Devices", SISPAD 2010, Bologna, Italien
Matz, G., Hong, S.-M., Jungemann, C.: "Spherical Harmonics Expansion of the Conduction Band for Deterministic Simulation of SiGe HBTs with Full Band Effects", SISPAD 2010, Bologna, Italien
Sasso, G., Matz, G., Jungemann, C., Rinaldi, N.: "Analytical Models of Effective DOS, Saturation Velocity and High-Field Mobility for SiGe HBTs Numerical Simulation", SISPAD 2010, Bologna, Italien
Zhao, K., Hong, S.-M., Jungemann, C.: "Implementation of a Deterministic Multi-Subband Boltzmann Solver for Silicon Double-Gate nMOSFETs", SISPAD 2010, Bologna, Italien
Meinerzhagen, B., Pham, A.T., Hong, S.-M., Jungemann, C.: "Solving Boltzmann Transport Equation without Monte-Carlo Algorithms: New Methods for Industrial TCAD Applications", SISPAD 2010, Bologna, Italien Invited Paper
Jungemann, C., Hong, S.-M.: "Investigation of transport and noise in terahertz SiGe HBTs based on deterministic spherical harmonics expansion of the Boltzmann transport equation", UFPS 2010, Vilnius, Litauen Invited Paper
Dinh, T. V., Hong, S.-M., Jungemann, C.: "Improving the high frequency performance of SiGe HBTs by a global additional uniaxial stress", ISTDM 2010, Stockholm, Schweden
Korb, M., Noll, T.: "Area and latency optimized high-throughput Min-Sum based LDPC decoder architectures", Proceedings of ESSCIRC, Conference Paper, 2009
D. Kissinger, E. Starzer, C. Wagner, H. Knapp, H.-P. Forstner, H. Jäger, L. Maurer, R. Lachner, and R. Weigel, "77-GHz Automotive Radar Systems based on SiGe - Integrated Circuits : Current Developments and Future Trends", in Proc. 5th Joint Symp. Opto- and Microelectronic Devices and Circuits, China, May 2009, p. 4.
V. Issakov, H. Knapp, F. Magrini, A. Thiede, W. Simbürger, and L. Maurer, "Low-Noise ESD-Protected 24 GHz Receiver for Radar Applications in SiGe:C Technology", in Proc. ESSCIRC, pp. 308–311, (Athens, Greece), 2009
V. Issakov, H. Knapp, M. Tiebout, A. Thiede, W. Simbürger, and L. Maurer, "Comparison of 24 GHz Low-Noise Mixers in CMOS and SiGe:C Technologies", in Proc for EuMW, pp 184–187, (Rome, Italy), 2009
V. Issakov, H. Knapp, M. Wojnowski, A. Thiede, W. Simbürger, G. Haider, and L. Maurer, "ESD–protected 24 GHz LNA for Radar Applications in SiGe:C Technology", in Proc. of the SiRF, (San Diego, USA), pp. 49–52, Jan. 2009
V. Issakov, M. Tiebout, K. Mertens, Y. Cao, A. Thiede, W. Simbürger, and L. Maurer, "A Compact Low-Power 24 GHz Transceiver for Radar Applications in 0.13 um CMOS", in Proc. IEEE COMCAS, 4 pages, 1D 3.4, (Tel Aviv, Israel), Nov. 2009
V. Issakov, A. Thiede, L. Verweyen, and L. Maurer, "Wideband Resistive Ring Mixer for Automotive and Industrial Applications in 0.13um CMOS", in Proc. German Microwave Conference, 4 pages, no. 8B-3, (Munich, Germany), Mar. 2009
D. Kissinger, B. Sewiolo, H.P. Forstner, L. Maurer, and R. Weigel, "A Fully Differential Low-Power High-Linearity 77-GHz SiGe Receiver Frontend for Automotive Radar Systems", in Proc. IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON’09), 4 pages, (Clearwater, USA), Apr. 2009
B. Lämmle, C.Wagner, H. Knapp, L. Maurer, and R. Weigel, "A 366 mW Direct Digital Synthesizer at 15 GHz Clock Frequency in SiGe Bipolar Technology", in RFIC 2009, 4 pages, (Boston, USA), Jun. 2009
B. Lämmle, C. Wagner, H. Knapp, L. Maurer, and R. Weigel, "High Speed Low Power Phase Accumulators for DDS Applications in SiGe Bipolar Technology", in BCTM, 4 pages, (Capri, Italy), Oct. 2009
L. Maurer, R. Vazny, and A. Mayer, "Adaptive CMOS-Based RF Transceivers – State-of-the-art and Future Trends", in Proc. IEEE RFIT, (Singapore), pp. 8-12, Dec. 2009. Invited Paper
S. Yang, H. Forstner, G. Haider, H. Kainmueller, K. Aufinger, L. Maurer, and R. Hagelauer, "Low Noise, High Gain, Highly Linear Mixer for 77 GHz Automotive Radar Applications in SiGe:C Bipolar Technology", in Proc. ESSCIRC, 4 pages, (Athens, Greece), Sept. 2009
V. Issakov, D. Siprak, M. Tiebout, A. Thiede, W. Simbürger, and L. Maurer, "Comparison of 24 GHz receiver front-ends using active and passive mixers in CMOS", IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, Vol.3(6), pp. 340-349, 2009
V. Issakov, M. Wojnowski, A. Thiede, and L. Maurer, "Extension of Thru De-Embedding Technique for Assymmetrical and Differential Devices", IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, Vol.3(2), pp.91-98, 2009
Hong, S.-M., Jungemann, C.: "A fully coupled scheme for a Boltzmann-Poisson equation solver based on a spherical harmonics Expansion", Journal of Computational Electronics, 2009 Invited Paper
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "On the numerical aspects of deterministic multisubband device simulations for strained double gate PMOSFETs", Journal of Computational Electronics, 2009 Invited Paper
Riedlberger, E., Jungemann, C., Spitzer, A., Stecher, M., Gustin, W.: "Comprehensive Analysis of the degradation of a LDMOS due to Hot Carrier Stress", IIRW 2009, Lake Tahoe, USA
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "Modeling and validation of piezoresistive coefficients in Si hole inversion layers", Solid-State Electronics, 2009
Dinh, T.V., Jungemann, C.: "Impact Ionization Rates for Strained Si and SiGe", Solid-State Electronics, 2009
Hong, S.-M., Jungemann, C.: "Electron Transport in Extremely Scaled SiGe HBTs", BCTM 2009, Capri, Italien Invited Paper
Dinh, T.V., Kraus, R., Jungemann, C.: "Investigation of the Performance of Strained-SiGe Vertical IMOS-Transistor", ESSDERC 2009, Athen, Griechenland
Sasso, G., Matz, G., Jungemann, C., Rinaldi, N.: "Accurate Mobility and Energy Relaxation Time Models for SiGe HBTs Numerical Simulation", SISPAD 2009, San Diego, USA
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "A convergence enhancement method for deterministic multisubband device simulation of double gate PMOSFET", SISPAD 2009, San Diego, USA
Hong, S.-M., Jungemann, C.: "Investigation of Noise Performance of Double-Gate MOSFETs by Deterministic Simulation of Boltzmann Equation", SISPAD 2009, San Diego, USA
Pawlak, A., Schröter, M., Krause, J., Wedel, G., Schröter, M., Jungemann, C.: "On the feasibility of 500 GHz Silicon-Germanium HBTs", SISPAD 2009, San Diego, USA
Meinerzhagen, B., Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C.: "Predictive TCAD support for NanoMOS compact model development", 11. Workshop on Analog Circuit 2009, Hannover, Deutschland
Kraus, R., Jungemann, C.: "Investigation of the Vertical IMOS-Transistor by Device Simulation", ULIS 2009, Aachen, Deutschland
Dinh, T.V., Jungemann, C.: "Impact Ionization Rates for Strained SiGe", ULIS 2009, Aachen, Deutschland
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "Modeling of piezoresistive coefficients in Si hole inversion layers", ULIS 2009, Aachen, Deutschland
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "Simulation of mobility variation due to uniaxial stress combined with biaxial strain in Si PMOS", IWCE, 2009, Peking, VR China
Hong, S.-M., Jungemann, C: "Investigation of Noise Performance of SiGe HBTs by Deterministic Simulation of Boltzmann Equation in Two-Dimensional Real Space", ICNF 2009, Pisa, Italien
Hong, S.-M., Jungemann, C: "Oscillator Noise Analysis: Full Spectrum Evaluation Including Orbital Deviations", ICNF 2009, Pisa, Italien
Jungemann, C: "Noise in Green Transistors (Small Slope Switches)" Invited Paper , ICNF 2009, Pisa, Italien
Jungemann, C., Nedjalkov, M.: "The Impact of Collisional Broadening on Noise in Silicon at Equilibrium", ICNF 2009, Pisa, Italien
Shimukovitch, A., Sakalas, P., Ramonas, M., Schröter, M., Jungemann, C., Kraus, W.: "Modeling of SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor at Extreme Temperature Environment", ICNF 2009, Pisa, Italien
Sakalas, P., Ramonas, M., Schröter, M., Jungemann, C., Shimukovitch, A., Kraus, W.: "Impact Ionization Noise in SiGe HBTs: Comparison of Device and Compact Modeling With Experimental Results", Transactions on Electron Devices, Februar 2009, S. 328-336
F. Starzer, C. Wagner, D. Lukashevich, H.-P. Forstner, L. Maurer, and A. Stelzer, "An Area and Phase Noise improved 19-GHz Down-Converter VCO for 77-GHz Automotive Radar Frontends in a SiGe Bipolar Production Technology", in Proc. IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits Technol. Meeting, Monterey, CA, USA, Oct. 2008, pp. 113-116.
H. P. Forstner, H. Knapp, H. Jäger, E. Kolmhofer, J. Platz, F. Starzer, M. Treml, A. Schinko, G. Birschkus, J. Böck, K. Aufinger, R. Lachner, T. Meister, H. Schäfer, D. Lukashevich, S. Boguth, A. Fischer, F. Reininger, L. Maurer, J. Minichshofer, and D. Steinbuch, "A 77GHz 4-Channel Automotive Radar Transceiver in SiGe“, Proc. RFIC 2008, (Atlanta, Georgia, USA), pp. 233–236, Jun. 2008
V. Issakov, D. Johnsson, Y. Cao, M. Mayerhofer, W. Simbürger, M. Tiebout, and L. Maurer, "ESD Concept for High–Frequency Circuits", in Proc. EOS/ESD Symposium, (Tucson, USA), pp. 221–227, Sept. 2008
V. Issakov, M. Wojnowski, A. Thiede, and L. Maurer, "An Extension of Thru De–embedding Technique for Characterization of Asymmetrical and Differential Devices", Proc. of the GeMIC, (Hamburg/Germany), pp. 221–224, Mar. 2008
V. Issakov, M. Wojnowski, A. Thiede, and L. Maurer, "Fast and Efficient Analytical Parameters Fitting for On–Chip Inductors", in Proc. of the GeMIC, (Hamburg, Germany), pp. 487–490, Mar. 2008
Y. Liu, U. Vollenbruch, Y. Chen, C. Wicpalek, L. Maurer, T. Mayer, Z. Boos, and R. Weigel, "A 6ps Resolution Pulse Shrinking Time–to–Digital Converter as Phase Detector in Multi–Mode Transceiver", in Proc. of the RWS, pages 163–166, (Orlando, USA), Jan. 2008
L. Maurer, "Adaptive Digital Front-End Enhanced CMOS-Based RF Transceivers - A Brief Overview", in Proc. IEEE INMMIC, (Malaga, Spain), pp. 111-114, Nov. 2008. Invited Paper
K. Pourvoyeur, R. Feger, A. Haderer, C. Wagner, A. Stelzer, and L. Maurer, "A Highly Modular 77–GHz FMCW Radar Sensor Prototype for Multi Target Tracking Applications", in Proc.of the EuMW, (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 4 pages, Oct. 2008
K. Pourvoyeur, R. Feger, A. Stelzer, and L. Maurer, "Ramp Sequence Analysis to Resolve Multi Target Scenarios for a 77–GHz FMCW Radar Sensor", in Proc. FUSION-2008, (Cologne, Germany), 8 pages, Jun. 2008
F. Starzer, C. Wagner, D. Lukashevics, H.–P. Forstner, L. Maurer, and A. Stelzer, "An Area and Phase Noise improved 19–GHz Downconverter VCO for 77–GHz Automotive Radar Frontends in a SiGe Bipolar Production Technology", in Proc. BCTM2008, (Montery, CA, USA), pp. 113–116, Oct. 2008
V. Winkler, R. Feger, and L. Maurer, "Automotive Short Range Radar Sensor based on the 79 GHz Single–Chip ATRXTransceiver–Family", EuRAD, (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 4 pages, Oct. 2008
L. Maurer, R. Stuhlberger, C. Wicpalek, G. Haberpeuntner, and G. Hueber, "Highly flexible digital front–end enhanced CMOS–based RF transceivers", in IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 9(2), pp. 83 – 95, Apr. 2008
Krishnamohan, T., Kim, D., Dinh, T.V., Pham, A.T., Meinerzhagen, B., Jungemann, C., Saraswat, K.C.: Comparison of (001), (110) and (111) Uniaxial- and Biaxial- Strained-Ge and Strained-Si PMOS DG FETs for ALL Channel orientations: Mobility Enhancement, High-field Velocity, Drive Current, Delay and Off-State Leakage, IEDM 2008, San Francisco, USA
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "Deterministic multisubband device simulations for strained double gate PMOSFETs including magnetotransport", IEDM 2008, San Francisco, USA
Krishnamohan, T., Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C.,Meinerzhagen, B., Saraswat, K.C.: "Mobilty Modeling in Ultra-Thin (UT) Strained Germanium (s-Ge) Quantum Well (QW) Heterostructure pMOSFETs", Pacific RIM Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2008
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "Microscopic modeling of hole inversion layer mobility in unstrained and uniaxially strained Si on arbitrarily oriented substrates", Solid-State Electronics, 2008
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Klawitter, M., Meinerzhagen, B.: "Efficient simulation of hole transport in strained Si and SiGe on insulator inversion layers", Solid-State Electronics, 2008
Hong, S.-M., Jungemann, C., Bollhöfer, M.: "A Deterministic Boltzmann Equation Solver for 2D Semiconductor Devices", SISPAD 2008, Hakone, Japan
Hong, S.-M., Jungemann, C.: "Deterministic Simulation of SiGe HBTs Based on the Boltzmann Equation", ESSDERC 2008, Edinburgh, Schottland
Hong, S.-M., Jungemann, C.: "Simulation of Magnetotransport in Nanoscale Devices", ICSICT 2008, Peking, VR China
Jungemann, C.: "Advances in Spherical Harmonics Solvers for the Boltzmann Equation", ICSICT 2008, Peking, VR China Invited Paper
Jungemann, C.: "Transport and Noise Calculations for Nanoscale Si Devices Based on the Langevin Boltzmann Equation Expanded with Spherical Harmonics", Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, S. 1152-1169, 2008 Invited Paper
Sakalas, P., Ramonas, M., Schröter, M., Kittlaus, A., Geissler, H., Jungemann, C., Shimukovitch, A.: "Modeling of SiGe HBT Operation in Extreme Temperature Environment", GigaHertz Symposium 2008, Göteburg, Schweden, 2008
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "A fast k*p solver for hole inversion layers with an efficient 2D k-space discretization", erscheint in Journal of Computational Electronics, 2008
Y. Chen, V. Neubauer, Y. Liu, U. Vollenbruch, C. Wicpalek, T. Mayer, B. Neurauter, L. Maurer, Z. Boos, "A 9 GHz Dual–Mode Digitally Controlled Oscillator for GSM/UMTS Transceivers in 65nm CMOS", Proc. ASSCC 2007, pp. 432–435, (Jeju, Korea), Nov. 2007
B. Lindner, G. Strasser, L. Maurer, Z. Boos, and R. Hagelauer, "Bandlimiting Polar Signals with Special W–CDMA Constellations", in Proc. of the ECWT, (Munich, Germany), pp. 32–35, Oct. 2007
Y. Liu, U. Vollenbruch, Y. Chen, C. Wicpalek, L. Maurer, Z. Boos, and R. Weigel, "Multi–Stage Pulse Shrinking Time–to–Digital Converter for Time Interval Measurements", in Proc. of the ECWT, (Munich, Germany), pp. 347–350, Oct. 2007
A. Mayer, L. Maurer, G. Hueber, B. Lindner, C. Wicpalek, R. Hagelauer, "Novel Digital Front End Based Interference Detection Methods", in Proc. of the ECWT, (Munich, Germany), pp. 70–73, Oct. 2007
R. Stuhlberger, L. Maurer, C. Wicpalek, G. Heinrichs, J. Winkel, G. Hueber, A. Springer, "On the Design of a Highly Digital Multimode UMTS/GNSS Receiver", in Proc. of the EuMW, (Munich, Germany), pp. 66–69, Oct. 2007
R. Stuhlberger, R. Krueger, B. Adler, J. Kissing, L. Maurer, G. Hueber, and A. Springer, "LTE–Downlink Performance in the Presence of RF–Impairments", in Proc. of the EuMW, pp. 189–192, (Munich, Germany), Oct. 2007
C. Wicpalek, T. Mayer, L. Maurer, U. Vollenbruch, Y. Liu, A. Springer, "Analysis and Measurement of Spurious Emission and Phase Noise Performance of an RF All–Digital Phase Locked Loop using a Frequency Discriminator", Proc. of International Microwave Symposium, (Hawai, USA), pp. 2205–2208, 2007
C. Wicpalek, T. Mayer, L. Maurer, U. Vollenbruch, T. Pittorino, A. Springer, "Analysis Of Spurious Emission And In–Band Phase Noise For An All Digital Phase Locked Loop For Rf–Synthesis Using A Frequency Discriminator", Proc. International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2007) , (New Orleans, USA), pp. 3518–3521, 2007
J. Zipper, R. Vazny, L. Maurer, M. Wilhelm, T. Greifeneder, and A. Holm, "A Single–Chip Dual–Band CDMA2000 Transceiver in 0.13μm CMOS", in Proc. ISSCC 2007, pp. 342–343, Feb. 2007
Navid, R., Jungemann, C., Lee, T. H., Dutton, R. W.: "High-frequency noise in nanoscale metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 101, 124501, 2007
Jungemann, C.: "Ballisticity of the Linear Response Transport in Nanometric Silicon Devices", International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium (ISDRS), Washigton, USA, 2007 PPT-File
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Klawitter, M., Meinerzhagen, B.: "Efficient simulation of hole transport in strained Si and SiGe on insulator inversion layers", International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium (ISDRS), Washigton, USA, 2007
Krishnamohan, T., Jungemann, C., Kim, D., Ungersboeck, E., Selberherr, S., Pham, A.T., Meinerzhagen, B., Wong, P., Nishi, Y., Saraswat, K.C.: "High Performance, uniaxially-strained, silicon and germanium, double-gate p-MOSFETs", Microelectronic Engineering 84, S. 2063-2066, 2007
Krishnamohan, Jungemann, C., T., Kim, D., Ungersboeck, E., Selberherr, S., Pham, A.T., Meinerzhagen, B., Wong, P., Nishi, Y., Saraswat, K.C.: "High Performance, uniaxially-strained, silicon and germanium, double-gate p-MOSFETs", Insulating Film on Semiconductors (INFOS), Athen, Griechenland, 2007
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "A fast k*p solver for hole inversion layers with an efficient 2D k-space discretization", International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE), Amherst, USA, 2007
Ramonas, M., Sakalas, P., Jungemann, C., Schröter, M., Kraus, W., Shimukovitch, A.: "Microscopic Modeling of High Frequency Noise in SiGe HBTs", IEEE ESSDERC 2007, München, Deutschland, 2007
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "Modeling of hole inversion layer mobility in unstrained and uniaxially strained Si on arbitrarily oriented substrates", IEEE ESSDERC 2007, München, Deutschland, 2007
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "Physics-based modeling of hole inversion layer mobility in strained SiGe on insulator", Transactions on Electron Devices, September 2007, S. 2174-2182
Fiegna, C., Brugger, S.C., Bufler, F.M., Dollfus, P., Aubry-Fortuna, V., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B., Palestri, P., Galdin-Retailleau, S., Sangiorgi, E., Schenk, A., Selmi, L.: "Comparison of Monte Carlo transport models for nanometer-size MOSFETs", IEEE SISPAD 2007, Wien, Österreich, 2007
Bach, K.H., Liebmann, R., Nawaz, M., Jungemann, C., Ungersboeck, E.: "Nonlinear Piezoresistance Effect in Devices with Stressed Etch Stop Liner", IEEE SISPAD 2007, Wien, Österreich, 2007
Krishnamohan, T., Kim, D., Jungemann, C., Pham, A.T., Meinerzhagen, B., Nishi, Y., Saraswat, K.C.: "High Performance Strained Germanium Heterostructure FETs", IEEE SISPAD 2007, Wien, Österreich, 2007
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "Simulation of magnetotransport in hole inversion layers based on full subbands", IEEE SISPAD 2007, Wien, Österreich, 2007
Jungemann, C.: "Inclusion of the Pauli Principle in the Langevin-Boltzmann Equation for Bulk Systems", IEEE SISPAD 2007, Wien, Österreich, 2007
Jungemann, C.: "Numerical Simulation of Electronic Noise in Si MOSFETs", MOS-AK Meeting Noise in MOSFET Devices, Schloss Premstaetten, Österreich, 2007 PDF-File Invited Paper
Ramonas, M., Jungemann, C., Sakalas, P., Schröter, M.: "Microscopic modeling of impact-ionization noise in SiGe heterobipolar Transistors", SPIE, Noise and Fluctuations in Circuits, Devices, and Materials, Florenz, Italien, 2007
Jungemann, C.: "A deterministic solver for the Langevin Boltzmann equation including the Pauli principle", SPIE, Noise and Fluctuations in Circuits, Devices, and Materials, Florenz, Italien, 2007
Jungemann, C.: "Numerical modeling of electron noise in nanoscale Si devices", SPIE, Noise and Fluctuations in Circuits, Devices, and Materials, Florenz, Italien, 2007 Invited Paper
Jungemann, C.: "A Deterministic Approach to RF Noise in Silicon Devices based on the Langevin Boltzmann Equation", Transactions on Electron Devices, Mai 2007, S. 1185-1192
G. Heinrichs, J. Winkel, C. Drewes, L. Maurer, A. Springer, R. Stuhlberger, and C. Wicpalek, "GNSS/UMTS Prototype for Mass–Market Applications", GPS World Magazine , Jan. 2006
A. Springer, L. Maurer, R. Stuhlberger, and C. Wicpalek, "Architectural Concepts for Reconfigurable Wireless Multi–Mode/Multi–Standard Terminals", RADCOM 2006
K. Chabrak, G. H. L. Maurer, and R. Weigel, "Reducing RF frontend requirements for CDMA Receiver", Proc. IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, (San Diego, USA), pp. 483–486, Jan. 2006
T. Dellsperger, T. Burger, L. Maurer, and T. Christen, "Reconfigurable RF Transceivers for Multi–Standard Terminals – An E2R View", in Proc. 15thIST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit, (Myconos, Greece), 5 pages, Jun. 2006
G. Hueber, R. Hagelauer, L. Maurer, G. Strasser, and K. Chabrak, "A Multi–Mode Capable Receive Digital–Front–End for Cellular Terminal RFICs", in Proc. IEEE MTT–S International Microwave Symposium, (San Francisco, USA), pp. 793–796, Jun. 2006
G. Hueber, L. Maurer, G. Strasser, R. Stuhlberger, K. Chabrak, and R. Hagelauer, "A Digital–Front–End for Multi–Mode/Multi–System Capable Receivers for Cellular Terminals", in Proc. 64th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, (Montreal, Canada), 5 pages, Sep. 2006
G. Hueber, L. Maurer, G. Strasser, R. Stuhlberger, K. Chabrak, and R. Hagelauer, "A GSM–EDGE/CDMA2000/UMTS Receiver IC for Cellular Terminals in 0.13 μm CMOS", in Proc. of the ECWT, (Manchester, England), 3 pages, Sep. 2006
G. Hueber, L. Maurer, G. Strasser, R. Stuhlberger, K. Chabrak, and R. Hagelauer, "Design of a Multi–Mode/Multi–System Capable Software Radio Receiver", Proc. IEEE Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006), (Kos, Greece), 4 pages, 2006
B. Lindner, G. Strasser, L. Maurer, Z. Boos, and R. Hagelauer, "On the Concept Design of Polar Transmitters targetting EDGE/UMTS", in Proc. Austrochip 2006, (Vienna, Austria), pp. 113-117, 2006
L. Maurer, T. Dellsperger, T. Burger, D. Nussbaum, R. Knopp, and H. Callewaert, "Medium Term EVolution for Reconfigurable RF Transceivers", in Proc. SDR’06 Technical Conference, 4 pages, (Orlando, USA), Nov. 2006
L. Maurer, G. Hueber, T. Burger, M. Huemer, and R. Weigel, "A Frequency Agile Terminal Receiver for Wireless Multi–Standard Applications", in Proc. IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, (San Diego, USA), pp. 291–294, Jan. 2006. Invited Paper
T. Mayer, T. Pittorino, A. Springer, V. Neubauer, and L. Maurer, "A 1 GHz Sigma–Delta Noise Shaper for All Digital PLLs with Multiband UMTS Modulation Capability", in Proc. IEEE RFIC Symposium, (San Francisco, USA), 4 pages, Jun. 2006
T. Pittorino, Y. Chen, V. Neubauer, T. Mayer, and L. Maurer, "A UMTS Compliant Fully Digitally Controlled Oscillator with 100 MHz Fine Tuning Range in 0.13 μm CMOS", in Proc. ISSCC 2006, (San Francisco, USA), pp. 210–211, Feb. 2006
T. Pittorino, Y. Chen, V. Neubauer, U. Vollenbruch, T. Mayer, and L. Maurer, "A First Dual–Mode RF Fully Digitally Controlled Oscillator in 0.13 μm CMOS", in Proc. of the EuMC, (Manchester, England), pp. 79–82, Sep. 2006
G. Strasser, B. Lindner, L. Maurer, G. Hueber, and A. Springer, "On the Spectral Regrowth in Polar Transmitters Transmitters", in Proc. IEEE MTT–S International Microwave Symposium, (San Francisco, USA), pp. 781–784, Jun. 2006
R. Stuhlberger, L. Maurer, G. Hueber, and A. Springer, "HSDPA Performance Investigations related to RF Impairments", in Proc. of the ECWT, (Manchester, England), 4 pages, Sep. 2006
R. Stuhlberger, L. Maurer, G. Hueber, and A. Springer, "The Impact of RF–Impairments and Automatic Gain Control on UMTS–HSDPA Throughput Performance", Proc. 64th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, (Montreal, Canada), 5 pages, Sep. 2006
R. Stuhlberger, L. Maurer, C. Wicpalek, E. Goehler, G. Heinrichs, J. Winkel, C. Drewes, G. Hueber, and A. Springer, "System Design of a Configurable Highly Digital UMTS/NAVSAT RF–Receiver", in Proc. 63rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, (Melbourne, Australia), 5 pages, May 2006
U. Vollenbruch, T. Bauernfeind, Y. Liu, T. Pittorino, C. Wicpalek, T. Mayer, L. Maurer, Z. Boos, R. Hagelauer, "On the Quantization Effects of Phase Comparators in the Context of Full–Digital–PLL–Based Multi–Mode Transceivers", in Proc. Austrochip 2006, (Vienna, Austria), 109–112, October 2006
U. Vollenbruch, Y. Liu, T. Bauernfeind, T. Pittorino, V. Neubauer, T. Mayer, and L. Maurer, "Requirements for Time–to–Digital Converters in the Context of Digital–PLL–based Frequency Synthesis and GSM Modulation", in Proc. IEEE MTT–S International Microwave Symposium, (San Francisco, USA), pp. 1817–1820, Jun. 2006
R. Weigel, L. Maurer, M. Huemer, A. Burnic, T. Scholand, A. Vießmann, and P. Jung, "Software Defined Radio – A Technology Whose Time Has Come", in Proc. of the VDE Kongress, pp. 487–494, (Aachen, Germany), Oct. 2006
C. Wicpalek, T. Mayer, L. Maurer, U. Vollenbruch, and A. Springer, "Analysis of a Two–Bit Frequency Discriminator in an All Digital Phase Locked Loop for RF–Modulation and RF–Frequency Synthesis", in Proc. of the ECWT, (Manchester, England), 273–276, Sep. 2006
G. Hueber, G. Strasser, L. Maurer, R. Stuhlberger, K. Chabrak, and R. Hagelauer, "On the Design of a Mixed–Signal Multi–Mode Transceiver Front–End for Cellular Terminal RFICs", Proc. of the European Microwave Association, Vol. 2, pp. 160–166, Jun. 2006
Jungemann, C., Pham, A.T., Meinerzhagen, B.: "A Linear Response Monte Carlo Algorithm for Inversion Layers and Magnetotransport", Journal of Computational Electronics, online, 2006
Krishnamohan, T., Jungemann, C., Kim, D., Ungersboeck, E., Selberherr, S., Wong, P., Nishi, Y., Saraswat, K.C.: "Theoretical Investigation of Performance in Uniaxially- and Biaxially-Strained Si", SiGe and Ge Double-Gate p-MOSFETs, IEDM 2006, San Francisco, USA
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Nguyen, C.D., Meinerzhagen, B.: "A Semiempirical Surface Scattering Model for Quantum Corrected Monte-Carlo Simulation of Unstrained Si and Strained Si/SiGe PMOSFETs", Materials Science and Engineering B, 2006
Jungemann, C., Pham, A.T., Ringhofer, C., Bollhöfer, B., Meinerzhagen, B.: "Stable discretization of the Boltzmann equation based on spherical harmonics", box integration, and a maximum entropy dissipation principle, Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 100, 024502, 2006
Sakalas, P., Chakravorty, A., Schroeter, M., Ramonas, M., Herricht, M., Shimukovitch, A., Jungemann, C.: "Compact Modeling of High Frequency Noise in SiGe HBTs", IEEE SISPAD 2006, Monterey, USA, 2006
Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "Numerical simulation of RF noise in Si devices", IEEE SISPAD 2006, Monterey, USA, 2006 Invited Paper
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "A Full-Band Spherical Harmonics Expansion of the Valence Bands up to High Energies", IEEE SISPAD 2006, Monterey, USA, 2006
Hagenbeck, R., Decker, S., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B., Isler, M., Mikolajick, T., Tempel, G., Haibach, P.: "Monte-Carlo Simulation of Charge Carrier Injection in Twin Flash Memory Devices during Program and Erase", IEEE SISPAD 2006, Monterey, USA, 2006
Castellazzi, A., Gerstenmaier, Y. C., Kraus, R., Wachutka, G.M.K.: Reliability Analyis of Power MOSFETs in the 42-V-PowerNet IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol.21, No.3, Mai 2006 PDF-File
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Nguyen, C.D., Meinerzhagen, B.: "A Semiempirical Surface Scattering Model for Quantum Corrected Monte-Carlo Simulation of Strained Si PMOSFETs", IEEE EDS Workshop on Advanced Electron Devices, Duisburg, Deutschland, 2006
Pham, A.T., Jungemann, C., Nguyen, C.D., Meinerzhagen, B.: "A Semiempirical Surface Scattering Model for Quantum Corrected Monte-Carlo Simulation of Strained Si PMOSFETs", E-MRS IUMRS ICEM 2006 Spring Meeting, Nizza, Frankreich, 2006
Jungemann, C., Pham, A.T., Meinerzhagen, B.: "A Linear Response Monte Carlo Algorithm for Inversion Layers and Magnetotransport", IWCE, Wien, Österreich, 2006 PDF-File
Krishnamohan, T., Kim, D., Jungemann, C., Nishi, Y., Saraswa, K.C.: "High-Perforrmance, Ultra-Thin, Strained-Ge Heterostructure FETs with High Mobility Low BTBT Leakage", Electro-Chemical Society Transactions, 2006
Krishnamohan, T., Kim, D., Jungemann, C., Nishi, Y., Saraswa, K.C.: "Strained-Si, Relaxed-Ge Or Strained-(Si)Ge For Future Nanoscale p-MOSFETs", Symposium on VLSI Technology, Honolulu, USA, Juni 2006
Smirnov, S., Jungemann, C.: "A full band deterministic model for semiclassical carrier transport in semiconductors", Journal of Applied Physics 99, 063707, 2006
Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "Do Hot Electrons Cause Excess Noise", Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 50, pp. 674-679, 2006
Pham ,A.T., Nguyen, C.D., Jungemann, C., Meinerzhagen, B.: "A semiempirical surface scattering model for quantum corrected full-band Monte-Carlo simulation of biaxially strained Si/SiGe NMOSFETs", Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 50, pp. 694-700, 2006
Krishnamohan, T., Kim, D., Nguyen, C.D., Jungemann, C., Nishi, Y., Saraswa, K.C.: "High Mobility, Low Band To Band Tunneling (BTBT)", Strained Germanium, Double Gate (DG), Heterostructure FETs: Simulations, Transaction on Electron Devices, Mai 2006 Invited Paper
Jungemann, C.: "Stable Discretization of the Langevin-Boltzmann Equation based on Spherical Harmonics", Box Integration and Maximum Entropy Dissipation Principle, SEMIC, Wien, Österreich, Februar 2006 PPT-File Invited Paper
Jungemann, C., Neinhüs, B., Nguyen, C.D., Scholten, A.J., Tiemeijer, L.F., Meinerzhagen, B.: "Numerical Modeling of RF Noise in Scaled MOS Devices", Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 50, pp. 10-17, 2006
Hu, Jiawen: "A Clock Recovery Circuit for Blind Equalization of Multi-Gbps Serial Data Links", International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Kos, Griechenland, Mai 2006 PDF-File
K. Freudenthaler, M. Huemer, L. Maurer, S. Paul, and M. Rupp, "Smart Antennas – State of the Art", ch. 37, pp. 759–785. EURASIP Book Series on Signal Processing and Communications, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2005, ISBN 977-5945-09-7
K. Chabrak, F. Bachmann, G. Hueber, L. Maurer, Z. Boos, and R. Weigel, "Design of a High Speed Digital Interface for Multi–Standard Mobile Transceiver RFIC’s in 0.13μm CMOS", in Proc. European Microwave Week 2005, (Paris, France), pp. 1675–1678, Oct. 2005
K. Chabrak, F. Bachmann, G. Hueber, L. Maurer, and R.Weigel, "New Concept of a High–Speed Low–Power Digital Interface for Multi–Standard Mobile Transceiver RFICs in 0.13μm CMOS", in Proc. Int. Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications, (Beijing, China), 4 pages, 2005
G. Heinrichs, J. Winkel, C. Drewes, L. Maurer, A. Springer, R. Stuhlberger, and C. Wicpalek, "Hybrid Galileo/UMTS Receiver Prototype for Mass–Market Applications", in Proc. GNSS, (Munich, Germany), 6 pages, Jul. 2005
G. Heinrichs, J. Winkel, C. Drewes, L. Maurer, A. Springer, R. Stuhlberger, and C. Wicpalek, "A Combined GNSS/UMTS Receiver Architecture for User Equipment Positioning", in Proc. 16th IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, (Berlin, Germany), 5 pages, Sep. 2005
G. Hueber, L. Maurer, G. Strasser, K. Chabrak, R. Stuhlberger, and R. Hagelauer, "SDR Compliant Multi–Mode Digital–Front–End Design Concepts for Cellular Terminals", in Proc. 4th WSEAS International Conference on Electronics, Hardware, Wireless & Optical Communications (EHAC2005), (Salzburg, Austria), 4 pages, Feb. 2005
G. Hueber, L. Maurer, G. Strasser, K. Chabrak, R. Stuhlberger, and R. Hagelauer, "On the concept of a multi–mode agile receive digital front–end for cellular terminals", in Proc. 16th IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, (Berlin, Germany), Sep. 2005
G. Hueber, L. Maurer, G. Strasser, and R. Stuhlberger, "On the Design of a Multi–Mode Receive Digital–Front–End for Cellular Terminals", in Proc. European Microwave Week 2005, (Paris, France), 4 pages, Oct. 2005
G. Hueber, L. Maurer, G. Strasser, R. Stuhlberger, and R. Hagelauer, "On the Concept of a Multi–Mode Agile Receive Digital–Front–End for Cellular Terminals", in Proc. IASTED International Conference on Networks and Communication Systems, (Krabi, Thailand), pp. 467–472, Apr. 2005
L. Maurer, T. Burger, T. Dellsperger, R. Stuhlberger, G. Hueber, M. Schmidt, and R. Weigel, "On the Architectural Design of Frequency–Agile Multi–Standard Wireless Receivers", in Proc. 14th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit, (Dresden, Germany), 5 pages, Jun. 2005
L. Maurer, A. Springer, R. Stuhlberger, C. Wicpalek, G. Heinrichs, J. Winkel, and C. Drewes, "On the Design of a Configurable UMTS/NAVSAT Transceiver", in Proc. 14th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit, (Dresden, Germany), 5 pages, Jun. 2005
J. Platz, G. Strasser, K. Feilkas, L. Maurer, and A. Springer, "A Direct Up–Conversion Transmitter with Integrated Prescaler for Reconfigurable Multi–Band/Multi–Standard Base Stations", in Proc. 2005 IEEE RFIC Symposium, (Long Beach, USA), pp. 487–490, Jun. 2005
J. Platz, G. Strasser, K. Feilkas, A. Springer, and L. Maurer, "Circuit Design of a Broadband I/Q–Modulator", in Proc. Austrochip 2005, (Vienna, Austria), pp. 97–100, Oct. 2005
G. Strasser, G. Hueber, L. Maurer, T. Bauernfeind, S. Martin, and A. Springer, "Reconfigurable Mixed–Signal Single–Chip Transmitter for Multistandard–Terminals", in Proc. European Microwave Week 2005, pp. 221–224, Oct. 2005
R. Stuhlberger, G. Hueber, G. Strasser, L. Maurer, and A. Springer, "A Digital–Front– End Enhanced Multi–Mode/Multi–Standard Wireless Receiver", in Proc. 9th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Communications, 6 pages, Jul. 2005
G. Hueber, L. Maurer, G. Strasser, K. Chabrak, R. Stuhlberger, and R. Hagelauer, "SDR Compliant Multi–Mode Digital–Front–End Design Concepts for Cellular Terminals", WSEAS Transactions on Electronics, Vol. 2, pp. 23–27, Jan. 2005
L. Maurer, T. Burger, T. Dellsperger, R. Stuhlberger, G. Hueber, M. Schmidt, and R. Weigel, "A Digital Front–End Supported Frequency Agile Multi–Standard Wireless Receiver", FREQUENZ – Special Issue on Reconfigurable RF Systems using Tunable Components and Switches, Vol. 59, pp. 3–10, Jan./Feb. 2005
R. Stuhlberger, G. Hueber, G. Strasser, M. Schmidt, A. Springer, and L. Maurer, "On the Concept of a Multi–Standard Wireless Receiver Enhanced with a Digital–Front–End", WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 4, pp. 1092–1099, Oct. 2005
Fischer, J.-M.: "Ladungsspeicherung in Oxid-Nitrid-Oxid (ONO) Strukturen für nichtflüchtige Speicherbauelemente", Dissertation
Negut, A., Pfeiffer, R. et al.: "Parasitics accommodation in the class-E power amplifier design", SINTES 12, Craiova, Rumänien, Oktober 2005 PDF-File
Negut, A., Pfeiffer, R. et al.: "A low voltage class-E power amplifier for UMTS in CMOS technology", SINTES 12, Craiova, Rumänien, Oktober 2005 PDF-File
S. Naveen, B. Steinke, H. Seidel, J. Brakensiek, L. Maurer, M. Halimic, R. Burgess, S. Walter, and T. Dellsperger, "Reconfigurable Modem Architecture and Its Abstraction in an End to End Reconfigurable Communication Network", in Proc. 12th Meeting of the Wireless World Research Forum, (Toronto, Canada), 9 pages, Oct. 2004
M. Bronzel, H. Seidel, J. Brakensiek, D. Lenz, A. Bisiaux, C. Moy, A. Kountouris, M. Halimic, C. Dolwin, S. Walter, S.K. Pilakkat, L. Maurer, T. Burger, "Functional Elements in E2E Reconfigurable Equipment", Proc. IST Mobile and Wireless Summit, (Lyon, France), 5 pages, Jun. 2004
G. Heinrichs, J. Winkel, E. Wittmann, R. Kronberger, C. Drewes, T. Ostermann, A. Springer, R. Stuhlberger, C. Wicpalek, and L. Maurer, "A Hybrid Galileo/W–CDMA Receiver Architecture for Mass–Market Applications", Proc. NAVITEC, (Noordwijk, The Netherlands), 8 pages, Dec. 2004
G. Heinrichs, E. Wittmann, R. Kronberger, C. Drewes, T. Ostermann, A. Springer, and L. Maurer, "Hybrid Galileo/W–CDMA Receiver Prototype for Mass–Market Applications", Proc. ION GNSS 2004, (Long Beach, USA), 10 pages, Sep. 2004
L. Maurer, K. Chabrak, and R. Weigel, "Design of Mobile Radio Transceiver RFICs: Current Status and Future Trends", in Proc. IEEE EURASIP International Symposium on Control, Communications, and Signal Processing (ISCCSP), (Hammamet, Tunisia), 4 pages, Mar. 2004
G. Strasser, J. Platz, H. Jäger, L. Maurer, and A. Springer, "On the Simulation of the Non–Linear Behavior of I/Q–Modulators", in Proc. of the ISSSE 2004, Linz, Austria, 2004
R. Weigel, K. Chabrak, and L. Maurer, "W–CDMA Terminal Transceiver RFICs", in Proc. Asia–Pacific Microwave Conference, (New Delhi, India), 4 pages, Dec. 2004
R. Weigel, M. Schmidt, D. Pimingsdorfer, and L. Maurer, "On the Role of SAW Devices in Current and Future Radio Systems", in Proc IEEE International Symposium on Acoustic Wave Devices for Future Mobile Communication Systems, (Chiba, Japan), 6 pages, Mar. 2004
Werker, H. et.al., Le Grand de Mercey, G.: "A 10 GB/s SONET-Compliant CMOS Transreiver with Low Cross-Talk and Intrinsic Jitter", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 39, No. 12, Dezember 2004 PDF-File
Le Grand de Mercey, G.: "18GHz-36GHz Rotary Traveling Wave Voltage Controlled Oscillator in a CMOS Technology", Dissertation
Börker, P.: 10 GBit CMOS-Logik, Disseration
Werker, H. et.al., Le Grand de Mercey, G.: "A 10 GB/s SONET-Compliant CMOS Transreiver with Low Cross-Talk and Intrinsic Jitter", ISSCC 2004, San Francisco, USA, Februar 2004 PDF-File
J. Brakensiek, M. Darianian, S. Walter, C. Dolwin, M. Halimic, L. Maurer, and A. Kountouris, "Reconfigurable Physical Layer Architecture Supporting End to End Reconfiguration (E2R)", in Proc. 10th Meeting of the Wireless World Research Forum, (New York, USA), 6 pages, Oct. 2003
G. Bruckner, R. Hauser, A. Stelzer, L. Maurer, L. Reindl, R. Teichmann, and J. Biniasch, "High Temperature Stable SAW Based Tagging System for Identifying a Pressure Sensor", in Proc. IEEE Int'l Frequency Control Symposium, (Tampa, USA), 6 pages, May 2003
G. Bruckner, A. Stelzer, L. Maurer, J. Biniasch, L. Reindl, R. Teichmann, and R. Hauser, "A High–Temperature Stable SAW Identification Tag for a Pressure Sensor and a Low–Cost Interrogation Unit", in Proc. Sensor 2003, (Nürnberg, Germany), 6 pages, May 2003
C. Lanschützer, A. Springer, L. Maurer, Z. Boos, and R. Weigel, "Integrated Adaptive LO Leakage Cancellation for W–CDMA Direct Upconversion Transmitters", in Proc. IEEE RFIC Symposium, (Philadelphia, USA), pp. 19–22, 2003
R. Weigel, A. Springer, and L. Maurer, "Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit System Design for UMTS Terminal Receivers", Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Integrated Circuits, International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 146, 33–47, 2003. Invited Paper
Castellazzi, A., Kartal, V., Kraus, R., Seliger, N., Honsberg-Riedl, M., Schmitt-Landsiedel, D.: "Hot-spot Measurements and Analysis of Electro-Thermal Effects in Low-Voltage Power-MOSFETs", ESREF 2003, Bordeaux, Frankreich, Oktober 2003
Castellazzi, A., Kraus, R., Seliger,N., Schmitt-Landsiedel, D.: "Influence of Parasitic Inductances on the Switching Behaviour of Power MOSFETs Used in Automotive Applications", EPE 2003, Toulouse, Frankreich, September 2003
Le Grand de Mercey, G.: "A 18 GHz Rotary Traveling Wave VCO in CMOS with I/Q Outputs", ESSCIRC 2003, Lissabon, Portugal, September 2003 PDF-File
Maget, J., Tiebout, M., Kraus, R.: "MOS Varactors with n- and p-Type Gates and Their Influence on an LC-VCO in Digital CMOS", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 38, No. 7, Juli 2003 PDF-File
Gondro, E.: "Hochfrequenz-Modellierung des MOS-Transistors", Dissertation PDF-File
R. Koller, A. Stelzer, K. Freudenthaler, K. H. Abt, L. Maurer, and R. Weigel, "Power Control of a Switching Amplifier for GSM Handsets", in Proc. Asia–Pacific Microwave Conference, pp. 1571–1574, (Kyoto, Japan), Nov. 2002
G. Konstanznig, T. Pappenreiter, L. Maurer, A. Springer, and R. Weigel, "Design of a 1.5V, 1.1 mA Fully Integrated LC–tuned Voltage Controlled Oscillator in the 4 GHz–Band Using a 0.12 μm CMOS Process", in Proc. Asia–Pacific Microwave Conference, pp. 1471–1474, (Kyoto, Japan), Nov. 2002
C. Lanschützer, A. Springer, L. Maurer, Z. Boos, and R. Weigel, "A Digital Feedback Loop for Local Oscillator Leakage Cancellation and DC Offset Compensation", in Proc. Asia–Pacific Microwave Conference, (Kyoto, Japan), pp. 409–412, Nov. 2002
C. Lanschützer, A. Springer, L. Maurer, Z. Boos, and R. Weigel, "Eine adaptive Methode zur Unterdrückung von Local Oscillator Leakage bei Breitband–Homodyn–Modulatoren", Austrochip, pp. 137–139, (Vienna, Austria), Oct. 2002
W. Schelmbauer, H. Pretl, L. Maurer, B. Adler, R. Weigel, R. Hagelauer, and J. Fenk, "An Analog Baseband Chain for a UMTS Zero–IF Receiver in a 75 GHz SiGe BiCMOS Technology", in Proc. International Microwave Symposium, (Seattle, USA), pp. 267–270, Jun. 2002. Invited Paper
R. Weigel, L. Maurer, A. Springer, J. Fenk, R. Hagelauer, H. Pretl, W. Schelmbauer, W. Thomann, "Highly Integrated Si/SiGeRFIC's for 3G Wideband–CDMA Mobile Radio Terminals", in Proc. MIKON 2002, (Danzig, Polen), pp. 3–14, May 2002. Invited Plenary Paper
H. Witschnig, T. Mayer, A. Springer, A. Koppler, L. Maurer, M. Huemer, and R. Weigel, "A Different Look on Cyclic Prefix for SC/FDE", in Proc. 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, (Lissabon, Portugal), 5 pages, Sep. 2002
H. Witschnig, T. Mayer, A. Springer, L. Maurer, M. Huemer, and R. Weigel, "The Advantages of a Known Sequence versus Cyclic Prefix in a SC/FDE System", in Proc. 5th International Symposium on Wirelless Personal Multimedia Communications, (Honolulu, USA), pp. 1328–1332, Oct. 2002
H. Witschnig, G. Ossberger, A. Springer, A. Koppler, L. Maurer, M. Huemer, and R. Weigel, "The Effect of Blockwise Transmission on Higher–Order Modulation Schemes for SC/FDE", Proc. 5th International Symposium on Wirelless Personal Multimedia Communications, (Honolulu, USA), pp. 1323–1327, Oct. 2002
A. Springer, L. Maurer, and R. Weigel, "RF System Concepts for Highly Integrated RFICs for W–CDMA Mobile Radio Terminals", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 50, pp. 254–267, Jan. 2002. Invited Paper
Maget, J.: "Varactors and Inductors for Integrated RF Circuits in Standard MOS Technologies", Dissertation PDF-File
Castellazzi, A., Kraus, R., Seliger,N., Schmitt-Landsiedel, D.: "Reliability Analyis of Power MOSFETs with the Help of Compact Models and Circuit Simulation", ESREF 2002, Rimini, Italien, Oktober 2002
Maget, J., Kraus, R., Tiebout, M.: "A Physical Model of a CMOS Varactor with High Capacitance Tuning Range and its Application to Simulate Integrated VCOs", Solid State Electronics, vol. 46, No. 10, Oktober 2002 PDF-File
Maget, J., Tiebout, M., Kraus, R.: "Influence of the MOS varactor gate doping on the performance of a 2.7GHz-4GHz LC-VCO in standard digital 0.12-µm CMOS Technology" , ESSCIRC 2002, Florenz, Italien, September 2002 PDF-File
Maget, J., Kraus, R., Tiebout, M.: "Voltage-controlled substrate structure for integrated inductors in standard digital CMOS Technologies", ESSDERC 2002, Florenz, Italien, September 2002 PDF-File
Maget, J., Tiebout, M., Kraus, R.: "Influence of novel MOS varactors on the performance of a fully integrated UMTS VCO in standard 0.25-µm CMOS Technology" , IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 37, No. 7, Juli 2002 PDF-File
Kraus, R., Knoblinger, G.: "Modeling the Gate-Related High-Frequency and Noise Characteristics of Deep-Submicron MOSFETs", Custom Integrated Circuits Conference 2002, Orlando, USA, Mai 2002 PDF-File
L. Maurer and R. Weigel, "Reconfigurable RF and Baseband Architectures for Mobile Radio Transceivers", in Proc. 2nd Wireless Word Research Forum, (Helsinki, Finland), 3 pages, May 2001
L. Maurer and R. Weigel, "RF Front–End Design for Software Defined Radio", in Proc. 2nd Wireless World Research Forum, (Helsinki, Finland), 3 pages, May 2001
L. Maurer, W. Schelmbauer, H. Pretl, A. Springer, and R. Weigel, "Impact of Channel Select Filtering on W–CDMA Signal Properties", in Proc. SBMO/IEEE MTT–S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, (Belem, Brasil), 4 pages, Aug. 2001
H. Pretl, W. Schelmbauer, L. Maurer, H. Westermayr, R. Weigel, B. U. Klepser, B. Adler, and J. Fenk, "A W–CDMA Zero–IF Front–End for UMTS in a 75 GHz SiGe BiCMOS Technology", in Proc. IEEE RFIC Symposium, (Phoenix, USA), pp. 9–12, May 2001
R. Weigel, L. Maurer, D. Pimingsdorfer, and A. Springer, "RF Transceiver Architectures for W–CDMA Systems Like UMTS: State of the Art and Future Trends", in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Acoustic Wave Devices for Future Mobile Communication Systems, (Chiba, Japan), pp. 25–34, Mar. 2001. Invited Paper
R. Weigel, L. Maurer, and A. Springer, "Design of RF Transceiver Architectures and RFIC's for W–CDMA Mobile Communication Systems", in Proc. 8th IEEE International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology, (Montreal, Kanada), pp. 11–14, Jun. 2001. Invited Plenary Paper
R. Weigel, L. Maurer, and A. Springer, "Silicon–Based RF System and Circuit Design for 3G W–CDMA Mobiles", in Proc. ISSSE'01, (Tokio, Japan), pp. 47–50, Jul. 2001. Invited Paper
L. Maurer, C. Lanschützer, A. Springer, and R. Weigel, "System–Defined Design and Performance of RFICs for W–CDMA Mobile Radio Terminals", e&i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, pp. 487–492, Oct. 2001. Invited Paper
Maget, J., Kraus, R., Tiebout, M.: "A Physical Model of a CMOS Varactor with High Capacitance Tuning Range and its Application to Simulate a Voltage Controlled Oscillator", International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium (ISDRS) 2001, Washington D.C., USA, Dezember 2001 PDF-File
Maget, J., Tiebout, M., Kraus, R.: "Comparision of CMOS VCOs for UMTS Tuned by Standard and Novel Varactors in Standard 0.25 µm CMOS Technology", ESSCIRC 2001, Villach, Österreich , September 2001 PDF-File
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