L. Maurer, W. Schelmbauer, H. Pretl, B. Adler, A. Springer, and R.Weigel, "On the Design of a Continuous–Time Channel Select Filter for a Zero–IF UMTS Receiver", in Proc. IEEE 51st Vehicular Technology Conference, (Tokio, Japan), pp. 650–654, May 2000

L. Maurer, W. Schelmbauer, H. Pretl, Z. Boos, R. Weigel, and A. Springer, "Impact of IF–SAW Filtering on the Performance of a W–CDMA Receiver", in Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, (San Juan, Puerto Rico), pp. 375–378, Oct. 2000

L. Maurer, W. Schelmbauer, H. Pretl, A. Springer, B. Adler, Z. Boos, and R. Weigel, "Influence of Receiver Front End Nonlinearities on WCDMA Signals", in Proc. Asia–Pacific Microwave Conference, (Sidney, Australia), pp. 249–252, Dec. 2000

H. Pretl, L. Maurer, W. Schelmbauer, R. Weigel, and J. Fenk, "Linearity Considerations of W–CDMA Front–Ends for UMTS", in Proc. IEEE MTT–S, (Boston, USA), pp. 433–436, 2000

H. Pretl, W. Schelmbauer, B. Adler, L. Maurer, J. Fenk, and R. Weigel, "A SiGe–Bipolar Down–Conversion Mixer for a UMTS Zero–IF Receiver", in Proc. IEEE Bipolar/BICMOS Technology Meeting, (Minneapolis, USA), pp. 40–43, Sep. 2000

W. Schelmbauer, L. Maurer, H. Pretl, B. Adler, and R. Weigel, "A Fully Integrated Continuous–Time Channel Selection Filter for an UMTS Zero–IF Receiver", in Proc. ITG–Workshop Mikroelektronik für die Informationstechnik, (Darmstadt, Germany), pp. 61–65, 2000

W. Schelmbauer, H. Pretl, L. Maurer, R. Weigel, B. Adler, and J. Fenk, "A Fully Integrated Analog Baseband IC for an UMTS Zero–IF Receiver", in AustroChip 2000, (Graz, Austria), pp. 8–15, Oct. 2000

W. Schelmbauer, H. Pretl, L. Maurer, R. Weigel, B. Adler, and J. Fenk, "A Fully Integrated Analog Baseband IC for an UMTS Zero–IF Receiver", Telematik, Vol. 6, pp. 10–13, Apr. 2000. Invited Paper

Moyal, M..: "High Accuracy Over Sampled Multi-bit Data IC Converter For Fast Transceivers", Dissertation

Kühn, C., Hönigschmid, H., Kowarik, O.: "A New Physical Model for the Relaxation in Ferroelectrics", ESSCERC 2000, Cork, Irland, Sept. 00        PDF-File

Kühn, C., Hönigschmid, H., Kowarik, O., Gondro, E., Hoffmann, K.: "A Dynamic Ferroelectric Capacitance Model for Circuit Simulators", International Symposium on the Application of Ferroelectrics 2000, Honolulu, USA, Aug. 00         PDF-File

Gondro, E., Kühn, C., Schuler, F., Kowarik, O.: "Physics Based Fatigue Compact Model for Ferroelectric Capacitors", International Symposium on the Application of Ferroelectrics 2000, Honolulu, USA, Aug. 00         PDF-File

Knoblinger, G., Klein, P., Tiebout, M.: "A New Model for Thermal Channel Noise of Deep Submicron MOSFETS and its Application in RF-CMOS Design", VLSI 2000, Honolulu, USA, Juni 00         PDF-File

Knoblinger, G., Klein, P., Baumann, U.: "Thermal Channel Noise of Quarter and Sub-Quarter Micron Deep NMOS FETs", International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures ICMTS 2000, Monterey, USA, März 00        PDF-File

Göhler, L.: "Intelligente Leistungselektronik", Habilitation



H. Pretl, W. Schelmbauer, L. Maurer, and R. Weigel, "On the Design of Mobile Radio Zero–IF Receivers", in Informationstagung Mikroelektronik, (Vienna, Austria), pp. 197–202, 1999

Deml, C.: "Input and Reverse Tranfer Capacitance Measurement of MOS-Gated Power Transistors under High Current Flow", IAS 99, Phoenix, USA, Okt. 99         PDF-File

Schmidt, A.: "Leistungsarme Datenschnittstelle für Busanwendungen mit hohen Übertragungsraten bei minimaler Versorgungsspannung", Dissertation

Schmidt, A., Hoffmann, K., Kowarik, O., Pfeiffer, R., Moyal, M.: "High Speed Capacitive Coupled Interface for Multipoint Connections", ESSCIRC 99, Duisburg, Deutschland, Sept. 99         PDF-File

Göhler, L., Kelting, K.: "A Compact Model for Depletion MOSFETs in Smart Power Applications Including Source and Drain Resistance", IAS 99, Phoenix, USA, Okt. 99         PDF-File

Göhler, L., Kelting, K.: "A Scalable Model for Depletion MOSFETs in Smart Power Applications Allowing Efficient Parameter Determination", COBEP 99, Foz do Ignacu, Brasilien, Sept. 99         PDF-File

Göhler, L., Kelting, K.: "A Unified Compact Model for Depletion MOSFETs in Smart Power Applications", EPE 99, Lausanne, Schweiz, Sept. 99        PDF-File

Deml, C., Türkes, P.: "Fast Simulation Technique for Power Electronic Circuits with Widely Different Time Constants", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, May/June 1999, S. 657-662         PDF-File

Schuler,F.: "Modellierung von nichtflüchtigen Speicherbauelementen", Dissertation         PDF-File

Gondro, E., Klein, P., Schuler, F.: "An Analytical Source- and Drain Series Resistance Model of Quarter Micron MOSFETs and its Influence on Circuit Simulation", ISCAS 99, Orlando, USA, May/June 99         PDF-File


Schleifer H., Kowarik O., Hoffmann K., Reczek W.: "Modelling the Field Soft Error Rate of DRAMs by varying the critical cell charge", ESREF98       PDF-File

Schuler, F., Klein, P., Hoffmann, K., Kowarik, O.: "Influence of the poly gate depletion effect on programming EEPROM cells", SISPAD 98, Leuven, Belgien, Sept. 98        PDF-File

Schuler, F., Hoffmann, K., Klein, P.: "Source-Drain-C(V)-behaviour of short channel LDD-MOSFETs", ESSDERC 98, Bordeaux, Frankreich, Sept. 98        PDF-File

Matthes, C.: "Nichtquasistatisches MOS-Transistormodell", Dissertation

Göhler, L., Güldner, H.: "Modellparameter - Extraktion und Einfluß auf die Modellgüte", Workshop Modellierung leistungselektronischer Bauelemente, Chemnitz, Deutschland         PDF-File

Kraus, R., Türkes, P., Sigg, J.: "Physics-Based Models of Power Semiconductor Devices for the Circuit Simulator SPICE", PESC `98, Fukuoka, Japan        PDF-File

Deml, C., Hoffmann, K.: "Gate-Drain Capacitance Behaviour of the DMOS Power Transistor under High Current Flow", PESC `98, Fukuoka, Japan       PDF-File

Göhler, L., Deml, C.: "Schaltungssimulation in der Leistungselektronik, Fachtagung Bauelemente der Leistungselektronik", Bad Nauheim, Deutschland         PDF-File

Göhler, L., Langer, T., Sigg, J.: "A Destruction-Free Parameter Extraction Scheme for GTO Models", IAS 99, St. Louis, USA         PDF-File

Gondro, E., Schuler, F., Klein, P.: "A Physics Based Resistance Model of the Overlap Regions in LDD-MOSFETs", SISPAD 98, Leuven, Belgien, Sept. 98         PDF-File

Kraus, R., Mattausch, H.J.: "Status and Trends of Power Semiconductor Device Models for Circuit Simulation", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol.13, No.3, May 1998         PDF-File

Lagies, A.U., Göhler, L., Sigg, J., Türkes, P., Kraus, R.: "Degradation Modelling of Semiconductor Devices and Electronic Circuits", ICSE 98, Malaysia         PDF-File

Gondro, E., Klein, P., Schuler, F., Kowarik, O.: "A Non-Linear Description of the Bias Dependent Parasitic Resistance of Quarter Micron MOSFETs", ICSE 98, Malaysia         PDF-File

Schuler, F., Kowarik, O., Hoffmann, K.: "BSIM3v3 based Degradation Compact Model for Circuit Simulation of Non-Volatile Flash Memories", ICSE 98, Malaysia         PDF-File


Kühn, C., Weber, W.: "A New Method for Verification of MOSFET Models Based on Device Parameter Variations". ESSDERC 1997, Stuttgart, Deutschland

Göhler, L., Sigg, J.: "Analytical Model for Dynamic Avalanche Breakdown in Power Devices", ENE 97, S. 4.129 - 4.133, Trondheim, Norwegen        PDF-File

Kühn, C., Marksteiner, S., Kopley, T, Weber, W.: "New method for verification of analytical device models using transistor parameter fluctuations", IEDM 97, Washington, USA        PDF-File

Kraus, R.: "Halbleiterbauelemente der Leistungselektronik - Analyse und Modellierung", Habilitation

Kreuzer, C.: "Einfluß der Epitaxie-Schicht auf das DC-Verhalten des vertikalen Leistung-DMOS-Transistors", Dissertation

Göhler, L.: "Thyristormodellierung", Dissertation

Pascher, M.: "Modellierung der Einsatzspannung und des Unterschwellstromverhaltens kompensierter p-MOSFETs mit kurzen Kanälen", Dissertation

Schleifer, H.: "Analyse der strahlungsbedingten Ausfallrate von DRAMs", Dissertation

Schreiber, M.: "Über die Sicherheitsabstände zwischen Sendern und elektrischen Zündeinrichtungen im obertäigen Bergbau", Dissertation

Ehrmaier, B.: "Analyse und Simulation von Meßmethoden zur Qualitätsbestimmung von Materialien im Umfeld elektrostatisch gefährdeter Bauteile", Dissertation

Klein, P.: "A Compact-Charge LDD-MOSFET Model", IEEE 1997, Vol.44, No 9, S. 1483-1490, Sept.1997

Deml, C., Türkes, P.: "Fast Simulation Technique for Power Electronic Circuits with Widely Different Time Constants", IEEE, New Orleans, USA Oct.1997        PDF-File

Sigg, J., Türkes, P., Kraus, R.: "Parameter Extraction Methodology and Validation for an Electro-Thermal Physics-Based NPT IGBT Model", IEEE New Orleans, USA, Oct.1997

Göhler, L., Langer, T., Sigg, J.: "A Physically Based Parameter Extraction Scheme for SCR Models", PESC 97, St. Louis, USA, June 1997         PDF-File


Bayer, M.: "Analytische Modellierung von Thyristorstrukturen in der Leistungselektronik", Dissertation

Klein, P.: "Analytisches LDDMOS-Transistor Ladungsmodell für CAD-Anwendung", Dissertation

Schuler, F., Kowarik, O., Keitel-Schulz, D.: "Measurement and modeling of a new width dependence of NMOSFET degratation", ESREF 1996, Enschede, Niederlande, veröffenlicht in: Microelectron. Reliab., Vol. 36, No. 11/12, S. 1675-1678, 1996         PDF-File

Klein, P., Hoffmann, K., Kowarik, O.: "An EEPROM Compact Circuit Model", CICC 96

Reddig, M., Kraus, R.: "The influence of the base resistance modulation on switching losses in IGBTs", IEEE Industry Applications society, San Diego, USA, Oct. 1996

Kreuzer, C.H., Krischke, N., Nance, P.: "Physically based Description of quasi-saturation region of vertical DMOS power Transistors", IEEE 96, S. 489-492

Göbel, H.: "Synchrone DRAMs auf dem Vormarsch", Mikroelektronik F & M, Carl Hanser Verlag, München 104. Jahrgang 1996


Kraus, R., Hoffmann, K., Türkes, P.: "Analysis and Modeling of the Technology-Dependent Electro-Thermal IGBT Characteristics", IPEC 95, Yokohama, Japan, April 95, S. 1128 - 1133

Schleifer, H., Ropp, Th., Hoffmann, K., Reczek, W.: "Design Concept for Radiation Hardening of Low Power and Low Voltage Dynamic Memories", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.30, No.7, July 1995, S. 826-829, CICC 95

Klein, P., Hoffmann, K.: "A Short Channel Charge LDD-MOSFET Model for Analog and Digital Circuits with Low Overdrive Voltage", IEEE 1995, S. 229-232

Klein, P., Hoffmann, K.: "Influence of Submicron LDD-MOSFET Charge Effects on Low Power Circuits.1995 International Symposium on VLSI Technology", Systems, and Applications, Taipei International Convention Center, Taiwan, Mai/Juni 1995

Kraus, R., Reddig, M., Hoffmann, K.: "The short-circuit behavior of IGBTs based on different Technologies", EPE'95, Sevilla, Spanien, Sept. 95

Kern, Th., Kraus, R., Hoffmann, K.: "A precise analytical model for diffused power diodes: EPE'95", Sevilla, Spanien, Sept. 95

Kern, T.: "Analyse und Modellierung von Leistungsdioden unter Berücksichtigung injektionsabhängiger Effekte", Dissertation

Göbel, H.: "Entwicklungstrends bei dynamischen Halbleiterspeichern", me - Heft 3/1995, S. 26-30


Lemaitre, B.: "Analytisches LDD-MOSFET Modell für digitale und analoge Schaltungssimulation bis in den Sub-Mikrometerbereich", Dissertation

Alger-Meunier, M.: "Automatischer Entwurf von Analogschaltungen mit Hilfe von Makromodellen", Dissertation

Göbel, H., Kraus, R., Hoffmann, K.: "Comparison between Numerical and Analytical Approaches for Modeling Semiconductor Power Devices", Spec 94, Hongkong, S. 63-66

Göbel, H.: "A Unified Method for Modeling Semiconductor Power Devices", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 9, NO. 5, Sept. 1994, S. 497-505

Bayer, M., Kraus, R., Hoffmann, K.: "A New Analytical SCR-Model for Circuit Applications", 1994 Symposium on Power Electronics Circuits, Hongkong, S. 45-47

Kreuzer, Ch., Kraus, R., Hoffmann, K.: "Influence of Parameter Deviation on SOA", 1994 Symposium on Power Electronics Circuits, Hongkong, S. 52-54

Bayer, M., Kraus, R., Hoffmann, K.: "A Precise Model for the DC and Transient Characteristics of BJTs", Pesc 94, June 20-25, 1994 , Taipei, Taiwan, Vol. I, S. 45-47


Göbel, H.: "Hybrid-Verfahren zur Modellierung leistungselektronischer Bauelemente", Dissertation

Pfeiffer, R.: "Temperaturverhalten von BiCMOS-Digitalschaltungen", Dissertation

Hoffmann, K., Beinvogl, W.: "Entwicklungstrends bei Flash-EPROM-Speichern", Mikroelektronik März/April 2 1993, S. 78-79

Kraus, R., Hoffmann, K.: "An Analytical Model of IGBTs with Low Emitter Efficiency", Proceedings of ISPSD '93, Monterey, USA, S. 30-34

Kowarik, O.: "Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Flash-EPROM-Speichern", Mikroelektronik März/April 2 1993, S. 94-97

Klein, P., Hoffmann, K., Lemaitre, B.: "Description of the Bias Dependent Overlap Capacitance at LDD MOSFETs for Circuit Applications", 1993 IEEE, S. 493-496

Göbel, H., Hoffmann, K.: "A power bipolar transistor model based on a HYBRID method", ISPSD 93

Göbel, H., Kraus, R., Mattausch, H.J.: "A Hybrid-Method for Modelling Semiconductor Power Devices", Proceeding of PESC '93, Seattle, USA, S. 45-52


Jin, Y.: "Modellierung von Leistungsdioden", Dissertation

Göbel, H., Hoffmann, K.: "Power diode HYBRID model with forward and reverse recovery for use in circuit Simulators", Proceedings of APEC '92, Boston, USA, S. 426-432

Kraus, R., Hoffmann, K., Mattausch, H.J.: "Modelling the Self-Heating of Power Devices", Proceedings of ISPSD '92, Tokyo, Japan, S. 124-129

Göbel, H., Hoffmann, K.: "Full Dynamic Power Diode Model Including Temperature Behavior for Use in Circuit Simulators", Proceedings of ISPSD '92, Tokyo, Japan, S. 130-135

Kraus, R., Hoffmann, K., Mattausch, H.J.: "A Precise Model for the Transient Characteristics of Power Diodes", Proceedings of PESC '92, Toledo, Spanien, S. 863-869

Kowarik, O., Hoffmann, K., Beinvogl, W.: "DRAM-Speicherbausteine für sehr schnelle Mikroprozessorsysteme", Mikroelektronik Nov./Dez. 6 1992, S. 342-345


Hoffmann, K.: "Technology in the USSR. Digest of Technical Papers", Solid State Circuits Conference, Vol (34) XXXIV-IEEE CAT. No 91CH2960-3, Feb. 1991

Jin, Y., Hoffmann, K., Kiffe, W.: "A Forward Recovery Model of Power Diodes", Proceedings of EPE-MADEP '91, Florenz, Italien, S. 339-342

Kraus, R., Hoffmann, K., Türkes, P.: "Reverse Recovery Model of Power Diodes", Proceedings of EPE-MADEP '91, Florenz, Italien, S. 343-345