Building 33/300, Room 2316 | |
+49 89 6004 2058 | |
emilian.franco@unibw.de | |
Emilian Franco M.A.
Emilian Franco holds a BA in Theatre and Media Studies and Political Science from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg and an MA in Intercultural Communication from Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, where he is currently enrolled as a PhD student. In his research, he is conducting an ethnographic field study in an artificial intelligence (AI) laboratory in São Paulo, Brazil. His research interests centre on the relationship between culture, nature and technology. Socio-technological imaginaries play a role here, as does the mutual influence of humans, machines and other, not directly visible actors (e.g. algorithms), which are connected in widely ramified networks. He is also currently researching in the context of the open source software community and is interested in post-qualitative methods.
- Franco, Emilian (2023): Das Mindset der Programmierer*innen auf GitHub – ein ethnographischer Blick auf die Baumeister*innen des Digitalen. In: Kaiser, S., Ertl, B. (eds) Digitale Mindsets. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-41104-6_5
- Franco, Emilian (2023): Krise und Imagination der digitalen Schule. In: Hemetsberger, Bernhard (Hrsg.): Schule in der Krise - Hoffnungen und Zumutungen, Erziehung und Unterricht, 2023/5+6, ISBN: 978-3-209-13371-7, 472-480.
- Busch, Dominic; Franco, Emilian and Hartmann-Piraudeau, Andrea (2022): “Professional Dispute Mediators’ Notions of Culture.” In: The Routledge Handbook of Intercultural Mediation, edited by Dominic Busch, 245–252. New York, NY: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003227441-31
- Franco, Emilian (2022): The Coding Prometheus is Blind – Socio-Technological Imaginaries on GitHub, Interculture Journal, Bd. 21, Nr. 36: Cyber-Utopia / Dystopia? Digital Interculturality between Cosmopolitan and Authoritarian Currents, 49-67. Peer-reviewed. http://www.interculture-journal.com/index.php/icj/article/view/442
Book Reviews
- Franco, Emilian (2023): Rezension: Sorrells, K. (2020), "Intercultural Communication. Globalization and Social Justice", Interculture Journal: Online Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Studien 22 (38): 88-91. Rezensionen - JPortal (uni-jena.de)
- Franco, Emilian (2023): Rezension: Amadasi, S., Holliday, A., “Making Sense of the Intercultural - Finding DeCentred Threads”, Interculture Journal, Bd. 22, Nr.37: 73 – 79.
Conference presentations
(20.03.2024) Brazil and the Pool: A Story About Leaking Nationalism. Presentation given at “Leakage: The Inaugural Conference of stsing”, hosted by stsing e.V. and Technical University (TU) Dresden, 19.03-24.03.2024.
- (11.03.2024) Krisendigitalisierung an Schulen (Corona-, Schul- und Digitalisierungskrise). Vortrag im Rahmen des Symposiums "Schule als sozialer Krisenkatalysator?" beim 29. DGfE Kongress in Halle (Saale), 11.03.-14.03.2024.
- (21.02.2024) Tropical AI. Ethnographische Einblicke in die KI Entwicklung in Brasilien. Ringvorlesung Wintertrimester 2024 der Forschungsinitiative INDOR an der Universität der Bundeswehr München.
- (15.09.2023) Kompost und Pilze. Anregungen für die IKK aus poststrukturalistischen Diskursen. Vortrag gehalten auf der Interkulturellen Sommerakademie 2023 an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 14.09. - 18.09.2023.
- (30.06.2023) O futuro esta nebuloso. Contaminated & cosmopolitan imaginaries in Brazilian AI research. Presentation given at the online conference “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”, hosted by ReDiCo (Researching Digital Interculturality Co-operatively) at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 26.06.2023– 07.07.2023.
(04.06.2023) Gefühlvolle KI: Künstliche Intelligenz und Emotional Awareness von ChatGPT. Vortrag gehalten auf der Jahrestagung des Hochschulverbands für interkulturelle Studien (IKS) e.V., Georg-von-Vollmar-Akademie, Kochel am See, 02.6.2023-04.06.2023.
- (09.05.2023) The (brazilian) sea and its digital twin. Presentation given at "Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies", the 21st Annual STS Conference Graz 2023, hosted by Graz University of Technology, 08.05.2023-10.05.2023.
- (15.09.2022) In pursuit of the greater good? Socio-technological imaginaries of developers coding on the ‘future factory’ GitHub. Presentation given at "Digital Futures in the Making: Imaginaries, Politics, and Materialities", the 8th International Working Conference of the Digital Anthropology Commission German Society for Cultural Anthropology and Folklore Studies (DGEKW), hosted by University of Hamburg, 14.09.2022-16.09.2022.
- (10.09.2022) Co-Production and Socio-Technological Imaginaries at the Center for Artificial Intelligence (C4AI) in São Paulo . The Narrative of ‘Good AI’ as Centralizing Force. Presentation given at the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (SMUS Conference), hosted by the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil, 08.09.2022-10.09.2022.
- (01.07.2022) Learning to code on an Open Source Platform: The Digital Mindset and its contextualized re-framing on GitHub. Presentation given in Jena, Germany, at the“Lifewide Learning: Transformations and New Connections in Postdigital Societies” conference (Jena/online/hybrid, 29. Juni – 1. Juli 2022) hosted by ReDiCo (Researching Digital Interculturality Co-operatively) and Hellenic Open University.
- (09.06.2022) Algorithmus – Wat isn dat? (Algorithm – What is that?). Organisation and moderation of the panel at the (virtual) conference „Anthropology, AI and the Future of Human Society 2022” hosted by the Royal Anthropological Institute.
- (07.06.2022) Socio-Technological Imaginary on GitHub: The constant battle for the greater good. Paper presented at the (virtual) conference „Anthropology, AI and the Future of Human Society 2022” hosted by the Royal Anthropological Institute.
- (22.11.2021) New Methodologies – New Interculturalities? Some thoughts on uses of post-qualitative and performative methods in researching the intercultural. Presentation given together with Dominic Busch at the “21st annual conference of the International Association for Languages and Linguistics (IALIC)” in Bogota, Columbia (virtual conference).
- (24.09.2021) Using methodologies to forge new visions of interculturality. Presentation given together with Dominic Busch at the “SMUS conference Botswana of the Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (GCSMUS)” based at the University of Botswana (UB) in Botswana (virtual conference).
- (08.05.2021) Virtual Futures - Modern Myths of Algorithmic Perfection. Presentation at the online conference "The Body, Embodiment and Bodyfulness in Intercultural Communication", hosted by the Institute for Intercultural Communication at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) in Munich.