Mathematics and computer-based simulation are of fundamental importance for civil engineering, especially for almost all disciplines in civil engineering. In addition to theory and experiment, mathematically sound computer-based simulation has developed into the third pillar of natural and technical sciences and has the character of an independent basic discipline. With their help, experiments can be optimized, supplemented, reduced or even replaced. In particular, parameter studies can be carried out easily and cost-effectively. Insights can be gained in situations where experiments are impossible or nonsensical; for example, the safety of critical infrastructures in exceptional external conditions. Computer-aided simulation also enables the analysis of structures and processes with randomly influenced parameters, uncertainties in modelling or non-deterministic behavior and thus opens up new possibilities for engineers to run through scenarios and to make decisions under the uncertainties that are always present in practice.

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In the bachelor's program Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, the two professors of the institute teach the basics of mathematics, programming, finite elements and other computer-aided calculation methods as well as statistics and the quantification of uncertainties. In the corresponding master's program, specialization is offered mainly on numerical topics, such as numerical methods for vibration problems or finite elements for non-linear problems.

In the bachelor's and master's program Mathematical Engineering, the courses on analysis and numerics of ordinary and partial differential equations are mainly supervised.


The range of research and development projects extends over the entire spectrum from basic research (numerical analysis) to the development of our own practical simulation tools for high-performance computers. Main topics are solid state and structural dynamics, contact problems, coupled multi-field problems and aspects of high performance computing, with innovative and interdisciplinary applications within civil engineering and environmental sciences as well as beyond (e. g. biomedicine). Mathematical basic research is currently focusing on the analysis of the accuracy of the numerical solution (discretization error) of boundary value tasks and of optimal control problems for partial differential equations and variation equations.

Contacts and addresses

Universität der Bundeswehr München
Institute of Mathematics and Computer-Based Simulation
bldg. 35, secretariat room 5122
85577 Neubiberg

• Mathematics
Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Apel
phone 089 6004-3405

• Computer-Based Simulation
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Popp
phone 089 6004-3082