Digitization generally encompasses the spread of digital technologies for the collection, recording, storage and processing of data as well as the development and operation of integrated business processes. As a real social phenomenon, digitization is not a purely technological issue, but also raises many questions that focus on the role of both people and organizations within new digitized working environments and a digitally transformed economy. A look at the digitalized world of work shows, for example, that technologies and intelligent algorithms have a significant influence on people's decision-making behaviour, that collaboration between employees is changing thanks to digital solutions and that work is being automated, condensed and more modularized. This makes new forms of company organization, management and control possible and necessary. In macroeconomic terms, new forms of working life and new business models (such as the platform economy) can be observed. Other relevant topics include data and knowledge engineering, i.e., issues relating to the modeling and representation, storage, transformation and use of data in large distributed systems, as well as data and information quality management, i.e., methods and tools designed to make the reliability of the information represented manageable. This is supplemented by the field of “E-Business & Web Science”, in which the interactions between the architecture of the Internet and the World Wide Web and economic and social aspects are systematically investigated.