ELMOD - Simulation and analysis of the hydrological and morphological development of the tidal Elbe
Project management: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Malcherek, Dr.-Ing. Keivan Kaveh
Project engineer: Dr.-Ing. Keivan Kaveh
E-Mail: keivan.kaveh@unibw.de, Tel.: 089/6004-3376
Running time: 01.01.2023 - 31.09.2025
Promotion: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Execution partner: Jüdich Forschungszentrum
Project partner:
Germany: Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau (BAW)
Institute for River and Coastal Engineering (IWB)
of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
Project description:
Tidal estuaries such as the Elbe are highly complex systems whose behavior is influenced by a wide variety of factors: At the hydrodynamic level, tidal currents, headwater inflow, wind and waves are the first factors to be mentioned here. The bottom and thus the shape of the estuary and its changes, known as morphodynamics, are determined by the transport of solids in the form of bed load and suspended matter. In order to understand the changes, it is therefore necessary to create a model with which the proportion of the various influencing factors in the Elbe tidal system can be analyzed by means of simulations in which these influencing factors are then varied in a targeted manner. However, such a hydronumerical simulation model would be too complex if every process were to be described at the level of fundamental physical laws. Therefore, when developing such models, it is always necessary to describe sub-processes themselves using simplified models or so-called parameterizations. The aim of the project outlined here is to model and parameterize the complex hydromorphodynamic processes so that they can be implemented in the models for simulating the behaviour of the Elbe tide.