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Photographer: Walter M. Rammler

Sebastian Ambros

Researcher and Lecturer

Section for National and International Public Law with a Focus on the Protection of Cultural Heritage

Building 33, Office 3273
Tel.: +49 (0)89-6004-3008


Who I am

After graduating from secondary school, I did a one-year European Voluntary Service in the north of France with a Christian association that supports people experiencing homelessness and other difficult situations.

Afterwards, I studied law (Bachelor of Laws ‘German and French Law’, Maîtrise de droit ‘European and International Law’, First State Examination in Law) as well as history and art history (Bachelor of Arts) at the Universität Passau, the Pakistani Lahore University of Management Sciences, the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, the French Université de Nantes and the Palestinian Birzeit University; complemented by stays in Lyon, Stuttgart and Frankfurt/Main (law firms), Berlin (Museum für Islamische Kunst) and Geneva (Permanent German Mission to the United Nations and other International Organizations) as well as by various study trips.

I then did my legal clerkship in Fulda (regional court, public prosecutor, lawyer), Frankfurt/Main (S. Fischer Verlage, Städelschule), Kassel (administrative court) and Berlin (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media).

After the Second State Examination in Law, I worked for almost two years as a legal assistant in the Dispute Resolution department of the Frankfurt/Main office of an international law firm and also taught several courses at the Hochschule Fulda.

I have been at the Universität der Bundeswehr München since October 2022. Both here and at the Institute of Art History at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, I am working on an interdisciplinary doctoral thesis on the question of to whom culturally and legally disputed objects should belong.


What I am thinking about

  • How can legal and cultural studies be brought into an interdisciplinary exchange? How can this be theoretically substantiated?
  • To whom should objects be attributed that are both culturally and legally disputed, also with regard to possible returns?
  • What is a cultural good and what meaning/s did and does it have in the Christian, Islamic and European spheres of the world?
  • What is property and what form/s did and does it take in the Christian, Islamic and European spheres of the world?
  • How are cultural objects protected by national, European and international law in times of peace and armed conflict?