
Welz, Martin 2021: Africa since Decolonization: The History and Politics of a Diverse Continent. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (also published in German language: Afrika seit der Dekolonisation: Geschichte und Politik. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer)

Welz, Martin 2012: Integrating Africa: Decolonization’s Legacies, Sovereignty and the African Union. London: Routledge.


Peer reviewed articles

Welz, Martin 2024: The Chagos Islands and International Orders: Human Rights, Rule of Law, and Foreign Rule, International Relations Vol. 38(4), 447-466.

Welz, Martin 2022: Omnibalancing and International Interventions: How Chad’s President Déby Benefitted from Troop Deployment, Contemporary Security Policy Vol. 43(2), 382-406.

Welz, Martin 2022: The African Union, France, and Conflict Management in Mali: Preferences, Actions, and Narratives, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding Vol. 16(3), 287-305.

Welz, Martin 2022: Institutional Choice, Risk, and Control: The G5 Sahel and Conflict Management in the Sahel, International Peacekeeping Vol. 29(2), 235-257.

Welz, Martin 2020: Reconsidering lock-in effects and benefits from delegation: the African Union’s relations with its member states through a principal–agent perspective, Cambridge Review of International Affairs Vol. 33(2), 159-178.

Gelot, Linnéa and Martin Welz 2019: Pragmatic eclecticism, neoclassical realism and post-structuralism: reconsidering the African response to the Libyan crisis of 2011, Third World Quarterly Vol. 39(12), 2334-2353.

Melber, Henning, Daniela Kromrey and Martin Welz 2017: Changing of the Guard? An Anatomy of Power within SWAPO of Namibia, African Affairs Vol. 116(463), 284-310.

Welz, Martin 2016: Multi-Actor Peace Operations and Inter-Organizational Relations: Insights from the Central African Republic, International Peacekeeping Vol. 23(4), 568-591.

Weiss, Thomas G. and Martin Welz 2015: Military Twists and Turns in World Politics: Downsides or Dividends for UN Peace Operations? Third World Quarterly Vol. 36(8), 1493-1509.

Welz, Martin and Daniela Kromrey 2015: Legacies of the Past: The Influence of Former Freedom Fighters and Their Rhetoric in Southern Africa, Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies Vol. 42(2), 255-273.

Welz, Martin 2014: Briefing: Crisis in the Central African Republic and the International Response, African Affairs Vol. 113(453), 601-610.

Welz, Martin 2014: A ‘Culture of Conservatism’: How and Why African Union Member States Obstruct the Deepening of the Integration, Strategic Review for Southern Africa Vol. 36(1), 4-24.

Weiss, Thomas G. and Martin Welz 2014: The UN and the African Union in Mali and beyond: a shotgun wedding? International Affairs Vol. 90(4), 889-905.

Welz, Martin 2013: The African Union beyond Africa: Explaining the Limited Impact of Africa’s Continental Organization on Global Governance, Global Governance Vol. 19(3), 425-441.

Welz, Martin 2010: Zimbabwe’s ‘Inclusive Government’: Some Observations on Its First 100 Days, The Round Table Vol. 99(411), 607-621 (also published in Stephen Chan and Ranka Primorac (eds.) Zimbabwe Since the Unity Government. London: Routledge, 5-20).

Welz, Martin and Julian Junk 2009: Zimbabwe Still at the Crossroads? Domestic Stalemate, Regional Appeasement, and International Half-Heartedness, Sicherheit und Frieden - Security and Peace Vol. 27(3), 185-194.


Contributions to edited volumes

Welz, Martin 2024: Two Milestones in African History. In Arturo Mezzèdimi (ed.) Africa Hall: A Monument to African History. Rome: Oro, 278-280.

Welz, Martin 2019: Non-Impunity, the International Criminal Court and the African Union: Exploring the Borderland of the International Orders Related to Non-Impunity. In Katharina P. Coleman, Markus Kornprobst und Annette Seegers (eds.) Orders of Africa, Orders of the World: How Diplomats Navigate Borderlands. London: Routledge, 194-211.

Welz, Martin 2019: Rapid Response and Inter-Organizational Competition: Four International Organizations, Two Key States, and the Crisis in the Central African Republic. In John Karlsrud und Yf Reykers (eds.) Multinational Rapid Response Mechanisms: Inter-Organizational Cooperation and Competition. London: Routledge, 114-132.

Welz, Martin 2018: Cooperation and Competition: United Nations-African Union Relations. In Stephen Aris, Aglaya Snetkov und Andreas Wenger (eds.) Inter-Organisational Relations in International Security: Competition and Cooperation. London: Routledge, 54-69.

Welz, Martin 2016: The Roles of the African Union and Its Member States in Managing Migration across the Mediterranean. In Francesca Ippolito und Seline Trevisanut (eds.) Migration in the Mediterranean: Mechanisms of International Cooperation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 94-114.

Welz, Martin 2013: Uganda and the East African Community: Economic Imperatives, President Museveni, and His Ambitions. In Ulrike Lorenz und Martin Rempe (eds.) Mapping Agency: Comparing Regionalisms in Africa. Farnham: Ashgate, 97-111.

Welz, Martin 2013: From Non-Interference towards Non-Indifference: The Ongoing Paradigm Shift in the African Union. In Ulf Engel und João Gomes Porto (eds.) Towards an African Peace and Security Regime: Continental Embeddedness, Transnational Linkages, Strategic Relevance. Farnham: Ashgate, 31-52.


Further Publications

Welz, Martin 2024: Regional Report West and Central Africa: Increasingly Autocratic and Assertive. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung. (

Welz, Martin 2023: Die Friedensoperation in Mali: Staaten, internationale Organisationen und deren Interessen. Forschung DSF No. 60.

Welz, Martin 2023: Afrika seit der Dekolonisation. In Hans-Jürgen Lendzian (ed.) Zeiten und Menschen 4. Braunschweig: Westermann, 279.

Welz, Martin 2022: How Chad’s Involvement in Peace Missions Held back Democracy back Home,, 1. Mai 2022. (

Welz, Martin 2022: Setting up the G5 Sahel: Why an Option that Seemed Unlikely Came into Being,, 11. April 2022. (

Welz, Martin and Angela Meyer 2014: Empty Acronyms: Why the Central African Republic Has Many Peacekeepers, but no Peace, Foreign Affairs Online, 24. Juli 2014. (

Welz, Martin 2009: Mauritius: Eine Erfolgsgeschichte, Afrika Süd Vol. 38(6), 35-37.

Welz, Martin 2009: Zum Scheitern verurteilt: Zur neuen Regierung in Zimbabwe, Afrika Süd Vol. 38(2), 17-18.


Book reviews

Welz, Martin 2024: Review of Katharina P. W. Döring, African Military Politics in the Sahel: Regional Organizations and International Politics, Journal of Development Studies (online first).

Welz, Martin 2023: Review of Katharina P. Coleman and Xiaojun Li, Token Forces: How Tiny Troop Deployments Became Ubiquitous in UN Peacekeeping, International Peacekeeping Vol. 31(2), 271-273.

Welz, Martin 2020: Review of Blessing-Miles Tendi, The Army and Politics in Zimbabwe: Mujuru, the Liberation Fighter and Kingmaker, Africa Spectrum, Vol. 55(1), 116-117.

Welz, Martin 2017: Review of Tatiana Carayannis und Louisa Lombard (eds.), Making Sense of the Central African Republic, African Affairs Vol. 116(462), 155-157.

Welz, Martin 2017: Review of Omar Alieu Touray, The African Union: The First Ten Years, The Journal of Modern African Studies Vol. 55(3), 512-513.

Welz, Martin 2013: Review of Roger Southall, Liberation Movements in Power: Party and State in Southern Africa, Afrika Süd Vol. 42(4), 37-38.