Conference and Workshop Contributions:

“Resistance and Agency at the Margins: The Case of the LGBTQI* Community in Uganda”, CEEISA-ISA Joint Conference, Rijeka, June 2024.

“Moral Politics, Regime Stability, and Political Violence in Uganda”, ECPR Joint Sessions, Workshop on Intersectionality and Violence in Politics, Toulouse, April 2023.

"Informalisation and Intersectionality: Performing Security and Justice, Law, and Order in Uganda", ISA Annual Convention, Montreal, March 2023.

“Interviews on Post-Conflict Masculinities as Sites of Multiple Translations”, ISA Annual Convention, Montreal, March 2023, co-authored with Maximilian Kiefer, Hendrik Quest, Gabriele Abels, and Andreas Hasenclever.

"The Interplay of Security Sector Reform and Gender Relations in Uganda: Red Berets, Military Symbolism, and an Army that has a State," ISA Annual Convention, Nashville, March 2022.

"'Aggression Has to Be Controlled': Transforming Violence-Centred Masculinities through Post-Conflict SSR in Liberia and Sierra Leone", IPSA World Congress, virtual Conference, July 2021, co-authored with Maximilian Kiefer and Hendrik Quest.

"Authenticity and Taking a Stance in Teaching Peace and Conflict," Virtual Workshop "Pedagogical Inspirations in Peace Studies", University of St. Andrews, May 2021.

"The Promises and Pitfalls of Studying Violence-Centred Masculinities: Methodological Reflections" in the panel "The Post-Conflict Transformation of Masculinities", virtual Workshop, "Analysing Gender, Practices, and Social Change", University of Tübingen, January 2021, co-authored with Maximilian Kiefer, Hendrik Quest, Gabriele Abels, and Andreas Hasenclever.

“The Security Sector and Gendered Dynamics in Uganda: Understanding the Relationship," European Conference on Politics and Gender, Amsterdam, July 2019.

"Looking at Practice Dynamics from a Multi-Level Perspective: The Case of Gender Relations in Uganda," ISA Annual Convention 2019, Toronto, March 2019.

"Gender, Militarisation, and Informalisation: Uganda's Post-Conflict Security Sector," EISA Pan-European Conference, Prague, September 2018.

"Practices of Change: How to Grasp the Transformation of Violence-Centred Masculinities in the Post-Conflict Context," ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, August 2018, co-authored with Hendrik Quest.

 “Peacebuilding Measures and the Transformation of Masculinities: Looking at Liberia and Uganda” in the panel “Challenging the Women, Peace and Security Agenda,” Workshop “Prevent, Protect, Participate! Women’s Roles in Peace and Security,“ University of Würzburg, November 2017, co-authored with Hendrik Quest.

"Between structure and Practice: A Theory-Based Framework for Masculinities in Armed Conflict," European Conference on Politics and Gender, Lausanne, June 2017, co-authored with Hendrik Quest.

"Beyond Buzzwords: Towards a Better Understanding of Hypermasculinity, Military Masculinity, and Militarised Masculinity in Peace and Conflict Studies," ISA Annual Convention 2017, Baltimore, February 2017, co-authored with Hendrik Quest.

“Hypermasculinity and Sexual Violence in Prisons and Armed Groups - a Legitimate Analogy?," Global Society Workshop on Gender and Security, Canterbury, January 2017.

Invited Talks:

“Krieg führen, Frieden leben: Der Wandel von Männlichkeitskonstruktionen im Rahmen von Friedenskonsolidierung“ (Engl.: Waging War, Living Peace: The Transformation of Masculinity Constructions through Peacebuilding), 7. Interreligiöser Begegnungstag für Frauen, Stuttgart, 07.07.2024.

“Beyond Ethics: Moral and Practical Aspects of Fieldwork in Diverse Settings,” roundtable at the CEEISA-ISA Joint Conference, Rijeka, 19.06.2024.

“’The Best Thing that Could Happen for You Is to Be a Heterosexual, Christian Man:‘ Kritisch-Feministische Perspektiven auf Sicherheitssektorreformen am Beispiel Uganda“ (Engl.: Critical-Feminist Perspectives on Security Sector Reform), Human Rights Week Tübingen, 22.06.2023.

“Gender und Konflikt – ein Überblick und die Frage nach Männlichkeiten in bewaffneten Konflikten.” (Engl.: Gender and Conflict – an Overview and the Question of Masculinities in Armed Conflict), Institute of Political Science, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, 31.01.2019.

 “Was soll #MeToo wollen?“ (Engl.: What should #MeToo want?), Institute of Political Science Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, 01.02.2018.

"Critical Perspectives on Men, Masculinities and Peacebuilding," roundtable at the ISA Annual Convention, Nashville, 30.03.2022.