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Ombuds services at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich

The University’s ombuds service is an essential tool of scientific self-regulation with regard to academic and scientific integrity and good practice. It serves as a resource for all researchers of all departments to seek confidential advice in the event of conflicts related to good scientific practice. This advisory and mediation system consists of the University’s research ombudsperson, their deputy and the individual department’s academic integrity advisors.

The University’s ombuds service was set up to support the implementation of the rules of good scientific practice in order to prevent scientific and systematic irregularities. It also ensures that young researchers can confidently follow and apply the rules of scientific good practice, promotes self-regulation of the scientific community and investigates rule violations, if necessary. Another important task is to monitor general developments and to identify fundamental problem areas. Once a year, the ombudsperson and the department’s academic integrity advisors report on their work to the president and the senate in an anonymized form.