Excellent Research > Quality Management in Research > Ethics Committee


Ethics Committee of the University of the Bundeswehr Munich

In October 2015, an Ethics Committee was set up at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich.

This committee is tasked with assessing ethical and legal aspects of human subject research as well as general ethical issues. Members of the University can apply to the Ethics Committee for approval of projects involving human subject research, as is now mandatory for many third-party funding applications in this field. Members of our University who are involved in such research projects can also seek advice from the ethics committee.

The Ethics Committee is also responsible for advising University Governance on general ethical issues. The rules of procedure of the University’s Ethics Committee contain a detailed description of the committee’s tasks as well as information about applications and procedures.

In particular, the Ethics Committee will review whether

  • all measures to ensure the safety and well-being of the subjects have been taken,
  • the benefits of the project are appropriately balanced against its risks,
  • the consent of the subjects or their legal guardians is available and appropriately documented,
  • there are any aspects of data protection to be observed in carrying out the project.

Please address your questions and applications to:


Members of the Ethics Committee

By decision of the Governance Committee, the following members of the University’s Ethics Committee have been appointed for a two-year term of office:

  • Prof. Dr. Günther Dollinger
  • AkDir Dr.-Ing. Diana Donath
  • Prof. Dr. Daniel-Erasmus Khan
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lechner
  • Prof. Dr. Friedrich Lohmann (Vorsitzender)
  • Prof. Dr. Jürgen Maes
  • Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Renner