Module type: compulsory
Teacher: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ferdinand Englberger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vladislav Nenchev
Field of study: Applied Computer Technology (ACT), Applied Communication (CT), Cyber Security (CYB)
Credit points: 11
An embedded system is a processor system that is integrated in a technical context. The computer either performs monitoring, control or regulation functions or is responsible for a form of data or signal processing, for example encryption or decryption, encoding or decoding or filtering.
Digital signal processing teaches the basics of processing discrete-time signals. One focus of the course is the realization of DSP in fixed-point arithmetic on a microcontroller.
Programming of an STM32F7 microcontroller using the Cube-HAL library and the real-time operating system CMSIS RTOSv2 is the focus of the course.
The course materials can be found on the ILIAS learning platform at:
Institut für Embedded Systems - Embedded Systems und Digitale Signalverarbeitung