Ass. jur. Verena Jackson

Center for Intelligence and Security Studies (CISS)
Building 41/100, Room 0114
+49 89 6004-4818

Ass. jur. Verena Jackson

Verena Jackson is a fully qualified lawyer and studied law with a focus on International and European Law at the LMU Munich and the Universidad de Cordoba (Spain). She then worked for international law firms and the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Garmisch-Partenkirchen. She completed her legal traineeship at the Higher Regional Court of Nuremberg and the Higher Regional Court of Munich. She has additional training in American law from the 7th Army JMTC Staff Judge Advocate.

Since January 2020 Verena Jackson is a researcher at CISS. Prior to that, she was a research assistant at the Institute for Public Law and International Law at the UniBW (Chair of Prof. Dr. Christina Binder).

Her research focuses on International Humanitarian Law and National Security Law. In particular, she is interested in the use of new technologies and the challenges that modern warfare poses to the law. She also focuses on the transatlantic comparison of law. Verena Jackson regularly publishes articles, gives lectures in Germany and abroad and prepares academic legal opinions.

Verena Jackson currently teaches the module "Human Rights and Security in a Normative Perspective" at MISS.




Research interests and expertise

International humanitarian law
Human Rights
Cyberwarfare/Cyber intelligence
Data protection and new technologies in (international) law



Main publications


Autonomous Weapons Systems in Armed Conflicts: New Challenges for International Law, in: Berghofer, Julia/ Futter, Andrew/ Häusler, Clemens (eds.), The Implications of Emerging Technologies in the Euro-Atlantic Space, Heidelberg: Springer Nature (forthcoming).





IT-Recht und nationale Sicherheit [IT-Law and national Security], in: IT-Rechtsberater, 5: 22, 117-118, 2022.





Autonomous Weapon Systems, in: Binder, Christina/Nowak, Manfred/Hofbauer, Jane A./Janig, Philipp (eds.), Encyclopedia on Human Rights, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022 (online).




Eine völker- und menschenrechtliche Perspektive auf Post-Konfliktgesellschaften und Transitional Justice am Beispiel Kolumbiens [An International and Human Rights Perspective on Post-Conflict Societies and Transitional Justice Using Colombia as an Example.], Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte, 15: 2, 130-154, 2021 (with Christina Binder).




Plurale Gerichtsbesetzung – Legitimitäts- und Autoritätsgewinne durch rechtskulturelle Diversifizierung [Plural Court Appointments - Gains in Legitimacy and Authority through Legal Cultural Diversification], in: Holterhus, Till Patrick/Michel, Fabian (eds.), Die Schwache Gewalt: Zur Behauptung der judikativen Autorität, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 127-146, 2022 (with Christina Binder).




Der Einsatz ziviler Drohnen im Völkerrecht – Humanitäre Drohnen in UN-Peacekeeping Missionen [The Use of Civilian Drones in International Law - Humanitarian Drones in UN Peacekeeping Missions.], in: Eisenberger, Iris/Lachmayer, Konrad (eds.), Drohnen und Recht, Köln: Manz, 125-142, 2022.




Artikel Jackson_Binder.png


Wer ist Terrorist im internationalen Recht? [Who is a terrorist in international law?], in: Kulick, Andreas/Goldhammer, Michael (eds.), Der Terrorist als Feind? Personalisierung im Polizei- und Völkerrecht, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 123-145, 2020 (with Christina Binder).





Selected articles on knowledge transfer and in the media

IT Law and National Security. In conversation with attorney Verena Jackson (Interview by the IT Law Working Group of the German Bar Association), March 28, 2022 (in German only).

Security law & tech: current or future? Attorney Verena Jackson on the New Lawyers Podcast, March 16, 2022 (in German only).